Watch Your Head by Cory Thomas for May 11, 2014

  1. Missing large
    Mel-T-Pass Premium Member almost 11 years ago

    This one made me laugh out loud. Nice!

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  2. Siberian tigers 22
    Hunter7  almost 11 years ago

    Love panel 3 & 4. Especially panel 4.

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  3. Screenshot 2021 07 15 134229   the rolling cat
    The Rolling Cat  almost 11 years ago

    Oh sure, easy peasy… while I would agree that reaching for meds is not the way to handle every little trouble, it’s also true that some emotional problems are not so easily solved, and possibly even unsolvable. Certainly it takes a hell of a lot more than airily and arrogantly advising those who are suffering to “get over it.” Unfortunately, that flippant and callous attitude is common among those who don’t know what it is to live with the malaise of chronic depression. And those who endure it only wind up feeling worse because of the lack of sympathy and support from those around them.

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