Anchor Baby News We don't strain the headlines Gibby Isabel Gibby: Between 2000 and 2010, there were 9.6 million kids born to Latinos in the U.S. We have to break it to you, immigrant moms and dads: your babies are in control...
Most illegals aren’t on welfare. They are working at low paying jobs, which may qualify them for food pantries and the like, but they have to stay away from government programs for fear of deportation. However, there is a valid point in the suggestion that those who do receive welfare and are able bodied should be denied any money unless they take whatever job is available, thereby filling the jobs the illegals are doing and giving them no reason to stay in America.
ORMouseworks over 10 years ago
Your babies are the reason you can get the help you/they need to survive… ;)
TheEtruscan over 10 years ago
Family planning wherest art thou?
Diane Lee Premium Member over 10 years ago
Most illegals aren’t on welfare. They are working at low paying jobs, which may qualify them for food pantries and the like, but they have to stay away from government programs for fear of deportation. However, there is a valid point in the suggestion that those who do receive welfare and are able bodied should be denied any money unless they take whatever job is available, thereby filling the jobs the illegals are doing and giving them no reason to stay in America.
dzw3030 over 10 years ago
Humans spend an inordinate amount of time rationalizing their behavior.