Doonesbury by Garry Trudeau for January 19, 2010

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    twinsnake_coatl  about 15 years ago

    Okay, I really want to know where he met Leo’s mom.

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    davers12  about 15 years ago

    i’m thinking he met her at small claims court, after she hit his car or something.

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    llong65  about 15 years ago

    i’m thnking since his special interest in Leo,,,,,is he his Dad?

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    Dkram  about 15 years ago

    Circus Smirkus, probably.


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    babka Premium Member about 15 years ago


    the plot thins……

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    jestrfyl  about 15 years ago

    Running away with the circus happens often in Sarasota FL. It’s a viable alternative to reality!

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    alviebird  about 15 years ago

    My mother ran off to join the circus in about 1954. She rode an Indian motorcycle in the Motordrome and worked in the Sideshow. That’s where she married my dad, who was the star stunt rider in the Motordrome. (He died before I ever knew him, in an auto accident). She quit when she found out I was coming. I tell people that’s why I’m so dizzy.

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  8. Falconchicks1a
    RinaFarina  about 15 years ago

    I guess, knowing Trudeau, it is a reasonable assumption to think that whoever ran away to the circus is someone we already know from the strip. Or maybe even someone we will meet in the future, which would be less exciting.

    But linking his cast of characters is his specialty. Toggle is now connected to Alex, B.D., the black guy whose name I forget (we met him earlier, before Toggle came along), the producer of the GPS recordings (I don’t think I ever knew his name in the first place), and maybe a few more I have missed? Anyone care to add to the list?

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    Potrzebie  about 15 years ago

    Rina, the black guy? The Sarge in Toggles unit? That’s Ray. I sure miss him. HE’s been deployed for five years at least.

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  10. Me 3 23 2020
    ChukLitl Premium Member about 15 years ago

    I remember a strip, possibly a Sunday, where Ray came home. Then we didn’t see him for a while. Now he’s back yonder (Iraq, Afghan?) I live in a Marine Corps town, re-redeployment happens. I think the last batch went to Okinawa.

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