La Cucaracha by Lalo Alcaraz for May 22, 2014

  1. Mouse5
    ORMouseworks  almost 11 years ago

    “Immigration” + live births = More Latino babies who have “immigrant” Latina mothers…these Latino babies grow up and have even more babies, and so on and so forth. I don’t believe the number of Latino "immigrants"is equal to those who return to Mexico. Most, if not all, Latino babies born here stay here… ;)

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    TheEtruscan  almost 11 years ago

    @indiethink, It is only fair that “Mexicans” get back the Southwestern U.S. that was stolen from them in 1848 thanks to repetitive guns against single-shot rifles and remember that California gold funded the Union in the Civil War.

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    zippykatz  almost 11 years ago

    In 20 years we’ll have a whole new underclass. They’ll call themselves Mexican-Americans, pizzed because of how their parents came here to do menial labor, and line up for welfare.

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    kaffekup   almost 11 years ago

    See also “Born in East L.A.”. However, that won’t stop the “Show me your papers” crowd.

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    3pibgorn9  almost 11 years ago

    Selfish purposes: yeah, right. To provide better for their families here and south of the border. Maybe if we Anglos denigrating latinos were not such racists and sought to, in concourse with other countries sought to alleviate poverty and hold corporations accountable….

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  6. Kernel
    Diane Lee Premium Member almost 11 years ago
    After a few generations very few Americans could “go back where they came from” without a great deal of surgery. I suppose I could send an arm to Ireland, a leg to Germany, another arm to Mexico etc. But, I can assure you that my heart will always remain in America.
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    dzw3030  almost 11 years ago

    “why from 1945 peaked in 1980…” What peaked?

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    TheEtruscan  almost 11 years ago

    @Agingstoner, Actually it wasn’t even “conquered”. In the end we ended up “buying” it since we had to bribe the Mexicans to sign the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo. Baja California was spared because President Polk said we had enough desert.

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    TheEtruscan  almost 11 years ago

    In 1848 Mexico was doomed in part because the Mexican elite (of Spanish blood) wanted nothing to do with the “natives”. Eventually the “natives” with Benito Juarez and Porfirio Diaz took over.

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