Strange Brew by John Deering for May 19, 2014

  1. Duck1275
    Brass Orchid Premium Member over 10 years ago

    The world has grown colder. It is so cold that vast stretches of land receive no water vapor, which condenses out of the atmosphere before it reaches them. Even the re-uptake of vapor from existing arable zones is insufficient to supply them the vapor they require to avoid desert encroachment. Glaciers, lacking replacement material, recede, unable to force their mass into warmer areas. The atmospheric warming caused by the lack of water vapor that causes glacial recession and desert encroachment is obvious, as is the rising level of CO2 which attends the loss of arable land.Until this low level heating of the atmosphere is able to warm the seas, there will be no rebuilding of the glaciers or any reversal of desert encroachment. Water in the atmosphere will be limited in its reach, and much of the world will be dry and hot from the cold that still grips the world from the ice age. And on top of all that, man has added to the CO2 which would hasten the end of the cold age and the increase of fresh water resources from the lowering of the seas, which, as soon as it begins in earnest, will entirely obliterate any warming from CO2 by the increase of atmospheric water vapor, with its attendant increase in the pressure, depth and density of the atmosphere.

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    NoCents  over 10 years ago

    I just love the smell of Kool-Aid in the morning.

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    SpudUt  over 10 years ago

    in 100 years we who read this will all be dead

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    Mneedle  over 10 years ago

    BrassOrchid: wow…that is one long sentence used to say absolutely nothing. However, I am glad that you reference “the ice age.” The fact is that there have been many ice ages over the life of the earth. (Ask a geologist.). In between these ice ages, the earth has seen the phenomenon that you like to call global warming.

    In reality, it should be known as climate change because the climate has been in a constant state of fluctuation for the last four billion years.

    I still remember the 1970’s when we were told that the next ice age was imminent because the earth was going through global cooling.

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    dflak  over 10 years ago

    Global warming, caused by man or by Mother Nature or by extraterrestrials is happening. Might as well plan for it. Start planting bananas and mangos in, oh say, Maryland.

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  6. Large thorkellsigcopie
    Pharmakeus Ubik  over 10 years ago

    Dflak is going to have the last laugh when hailed as the 21st century’s Johnny Mangoseed. That’s why they are planting vineyard in southern England.

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  7. P1030246
    louieglutz  over 10 years ago

    especially since those cranky french didn’t have their land bridge to run over to attack the british.

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