Jane's World by Paige Braddock for May 29, 2014

  1. Al the fish cup
    alasko  almost 11 years ago

    @ Clark Kent, yep she does.

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  2. Missing large
    wesbucey  almost 11 years ago

    So … what the heck happened to the chick Jill was acting as “security agent” for? What happened to the folks who were bent on snatching that chick? What happened to the guy Jill “managed” into a heap?

    Did I miss a week? two weeks? How is dinner going with the toothsome threesome (Skye, Dorothy, and Jane?)

    Who on earth is drawing Jill? Last time we saw her, after the fight with the would-be kidnapper, she had much better defined facial features.

    My spouse just read over my shoulder and said, “Plot? What plot? We’re cool visitors from the Isle of Lesbos, we don’t need no stinkin’ plot!”

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  3. Vt redbarnmountains fall xl
    bmatraw  almost 11 years ago

    And people thought Mark Trail moves slowly…

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  4. Image
    Starman1948  almost 11 years ago

    All good questions, wesbucey. Just when a plot is getting very interesting, Paige changes plots. Buy all the Jane World books and you will learn a lot more. Very good books.

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  5.  49 2nd alma for sale
    gileshead  almost 11 years ago

    (exasperated) This is Jane’s world!

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  6. Deficon
    Coyoty Premium Member almost 11 years ago

    Jane’s World’s continuity is more like real life. Very few things happen as sequentially as they normally do in comics.

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  7. 09 28 2003 03 23 20pm 2
    quartermain  almost 11 years ago

    set ’um up Joe, got a little story , I;d like ya to know—-

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