Daddy's Home by Tony Rubino and Gary Markstein for February 05, 2010

  1. B3b2b771 4dd5 4067 bfef 5ade241cb8c2
    cdward  about 15 years ago

    But this ‘toon isn’t about Elliot, it’s about the parents, and I love their completely unmoved reactions to his emoting.

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  2. 100px rinconflag
    quinones.felix  about 15 years ago

    Most kids today have a TV, radio & CD player in the bedroom. If the parents wanted to punish the kid , send him to their bedroom. As I heard from a comedian once.

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  3. 5f3a242a feac 42cc b507 b6590d3039f7
    Plods with ...â„¢  about 15 years ago

    He’s going to be scarred for life from this unfair punishment.

    His low self-esteem will lead him to a life of debauchery and over compensation.

    And his parents are ignoring his plaintive pleas… how could they.

    If anyone thought that load of carp was serious….oh please.

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  4. Tmlis icon60 1
    hookedoncomics  about 15 years ago

    We didn’t Rac0308. Ur hilarious!

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  5. Mountain lynx
    Shikamoo Premium Member about 15 years ago

    If the parents want to punish the child, send him to the laundry room. Pretty boring there.

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    LordOfTheExacto  about 15 years ago

    Anyone who’s ever raised teenagers knows that the only response you can make to something like that is rolled eyes. My teens make soap operas look downright bland.

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  7. 035
    napaeric  about 15 years ago

    I had tin soldiers that I could position around my room. My parents let me have rubber bands from their newspapers. I could shoot the rubber bands at the tin soldiers. Water would accumulate on the inside of the single pane glass windows so I could lick it off. Spiders and ants would sometimes come into my room and that kept me fed pretty well. Of course you don’t need much when you can’t leave your room. So I didn’t need much.

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  8. Elephants
    lfanterickson  about 15 years ago

    napaeric, in your fevered state did you consider launching the tin soldiers through the window with the rubber bands? Of course, the repair would probably have come from your allowance…

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  9. Grog poop
    GROG Premium Member about 15 years ago

    And increased his time in solitary Ifanterickson

    I’m proud of the parents for tuning out Elliot.

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