Super-Fun-Pak Comix by Ruben Bolling for June 08, 2014

  1. Kw eyecon 20190702 091103 r
    Kip W  almost 11 years ago

    That’s what SHE said!

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  2. Albert einstein brain i6
    braindead Premium Member almost 11 years ago

    Eats, shoots and leaves.

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    Lil' Sparky  almost 11 years ago

    Actually, it’s one continuous strip with every other panel left out:1. The guy asks the talking frog if he has ever eaten anything besides flies such as meat and if so when?2. The frog says " three times since last Tuesday".3. A Viking who owns a nearby deli overhears and asks the frog if he wants to purchase some meat from him.The frog says , “like what?”4. The excited Viking/butcher yells, " Okay- meat loaf or roast beef?" It startles the frog so much that he’s changed back into the prince he once was.5. The indignant frog/prince explains that he is rich and doesn’t need to buy meat from him-6." I don’t need to- I’ve already got ’em".

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    Killianadv  almost 11 years ago

    Know it? I wrote it!

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  5. 4989eeee 8c97 430b b18e dadb575fb018
    bigplayray  over 4 years ago

    Wrecked him? Damn near Killed Em!

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