Gasoline Alley by Jim Scancarelli for June 15, 2014

  1. Missing large
    therese_callahan2002  almost 11 years ago

    What? No Father’s Day strip?

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  2. Deep gold lg
    jhampa  almost 11 years ago

    great art work

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  3. Bth baby puppies1111111111 1
    kab2rb  almost 11 years ago

    Wonder why no happy Father’s Day on the strip.Chinese fortunes use to be so funny not so much now days.

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  4. Brent and tv
    bmckee  almost 11 years ago

    In all Asian cultures the dragon is seen as auspicious, a symbol of power strength and good luck. Dragons in European cultures – or at least post-Christian European cultures – are seen as malevolent creatures, probably out of association with the serpent in the Garden of Eden. Pre-Christian dragons generally seen as benevolent creatures, or at least neutral.

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    The Duke 1  almost 11 years ago

    And happy Father’s Day to you, Slim! She won’t be getting Wife of the Year award any time soon.

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    stuart  almost 11 years ago

    The older the Chinese philosophy, the more worthy of study. This in true in general, the older an idea, technique, or invention is, the more likely it will still be in use in the future.

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  7. P6290172a
    436rge  almost 11 years ago

    A note to Gocomics Management. I will BOYCOTT any and every product that pops up an ad each time I attempt to enter this site. That goes for Oreo cookies and Charmin tissues.

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    Willow Mt Lyon  almost 11 years ago

    Some people think the Chinese fortunes would be funny if you tag on “…between the sheets”. It depends on the person, I guess.

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