FoxTrot Classics by Bill Amend for February 23, 2010

  1. Belle desktop.thumb
    yycmystery  about 15 years ago

    Which is why we fish keepers use a multiplier of 10.

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    Metroidprime8wwd  about 15 years ago

    ask Jason to help, he will think of something eventually…

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  3. Large celtic trinity knot kristen fox
    Dkram  about 15 years ago

    Will someone get wet? Tune in tomorrow.


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  4. Text if you d like to meet him
    Yukoneric  about 15 years ago

    Have all the fish jump up into the air. Oh, wait, that only works with birds. No, that’s not right either…………..

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  5. Large dolphin1a
    DolphinGirl78  about 15 years ago

    LOL Yukoneric!

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    kittenpah  about 15 years ago

    So, if the goldfish eat all the guppies, what is the change in net mass of the tank?

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    zev.farkas  about 15 years ago

    Not that the tank wouldn’t break if you succeeded in lifting it when it’s full…

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  8. Mer rover small 02
    treBsdrawkcaB  about 15 years ago

    Two teenagers carrying 125 lb.s of water, etc. in an open-top container up a flight of stairs? I foresee a tidal wave and a squirmy staircase tomorrow…

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  9. Avatar
    alfracto  about 15 years ago

    So “A pint’s a pound the world around” aint true!!! Ya learn sumpthin every day.

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  10. Smiley tongue
    Smiley Rmom  about 15 years ago

    A pint is 16 ounces, and so is a pound. One is volume, the other is weight.

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    freeholder1  about 15 years ago

    “Tanks for the memory.”

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  12. Kreela 153x153
    Bulverde281  about 15 years ago

    Shouldn’t it be “A pint’s 1.13 Euros the world around” . Ducking now.

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  13. Angel old
    GramsFan  about 15 years ago

    I love these kids!

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  14. Canada 153127 640
    JP Steve Premium Member about 15 years ago

    Actually a pint’s one and a quarter pounds everywhere in the non-American world!

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  15. Missing large
    alexzinuro  12 days ago

    The mass of 15 gallons of water is approximately 56.7 kilograms, or 125 pounds.

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