The trick to roasting pigs is to instill an internal temperature opposite to reality, about 190 degrees out of phase, actually, just a bit past exactly wrong, and keep them that way for an extended period. This breaks down their internal resistance to stupidity and allows fall-off-the-bone mouth watering goodness.It is recommended to go 450 degrees yourself, right back around to reason and then another 90 at right angles to reality until they reach their ideal 190 at their core for ten to fifteen minutes, and then back off to just under the 360 to allow them to fully embrace the extremism from which you have backed down. They will want to live the dream.
MissScarlet Premium Member over 10 years ago
Does he have to huff and puff?
Brass Orchid Premium Member over 10 years ago
The trick to roasting pigs is to instill an internal temperature opposite to reality, about 190 degrees out of phase, actually, just a bit past exactly wrong, and keep them that way for an extended period. This breaks down their internal resistance to stupidity and allows fall-off-the-bone mouth watering goodness.It is recommended to go 450 degrees yourself, right back around to reason and then another 90 at right angles to reality until they reach their ideal 190 at their core for ten to fifteen minutes, and then back off to just under the 360 to allow them to fully embrace the extremism from which you have backed down. They will want to live the dream.
dflak over 10 years ago
Dig pit. Build fire. Throw rocks on fire. Throw pig on rocks. Throw leaves on pig. Bury. Come back next day. Dig up pig. Yum.
When did I start speaking in monosylables?