Luann by Greg Evans and Karen Evans for July 19, 2014
Luann: "So far I'm really enjoying being your drama camp assistant" Quill: "Well, it does involve more than just the prep room. Mrs. Manezon takes this camp very seriously. She-" Mrs. Manezon: "QUILL!? Are you in here??" Quill: "And it's time to get serious" Luann" I thought we were"
ORMouseworks over 10 years ago
End of fun…let the camp begin… ;)
Templo S.U.D. over 10 years ago
Oh, BUS-TED by Mrs. M.!
JayBluE over 10 years ago
Yeah… Luann is not on the same page as Quill! And Manezon. Question is, will she tire of reading this book?
JayBluE over 10 years ago
“A Couched Response”“There’s No Fun In This Function”“Dis-orientation Day”“A Burst Bubble And A Wet Parade”“Dazed And Confused” (♫)“But Seriously, Folks” (♫)“That’s Why I’m Here” (♫)“Bang De Sturm Und Drang All Day” (♫)“Enter Stage, Left Field”or“Major Drama For A Drama Major”
ORMouseworks over 10 years ago
I’m taking a temporary hiatus over to “Stone Soup”…Arnold has asked Evie to marry him! And it looks like she’ll say “yes!” this time! ;)
MontanaTrav over 10 years ago
Just doink already. Good gravy!
Caldonia over 10 years ago
Mrs Manicotti demands that you start collecting props for her production of “FDR Kisses Eleanor” immediately!!!
JayBluE over 10 years ago
There’s also something about Luann’s face in the last panel. Like when you “just went to sleep”, and the alarm sounds like it’s only been five minutes!– I guess the “honeymoon phase” of her new gig is over….
seismic-2 Premium Member over 10 years ago
Interrupted just in the nick of time, Quill! Same as it’s always been, same as it’ll always be.
ORMouseworks over 10 years ago
Say, I haven’t thought of that before… What if you’re right?! Quill and Tiffany? Nah, too implausible… ;)
ORMouseworks over 10 years ago
Heheheh! ;)
JayBluE over 10 years ago
Serious? Or Sober?
JayBluE over 10 years ago
I believe that Quill was inspired to add the “!” in a bit of brainstorm, after she kept paging him for the umpteenth time…. Like: "If that woman don’t stop nagging me, hounding me… why if she calls me one- Hey, waitaminit!… and the rest was born….
ORMouseworks over 10 years ago
Need to get some shut-eye…I’ve a wedding to go to tomorrow! Two old friends who have found love in their older age…such fun! ’Nite all!-————————————————————————“O! know, sweet love, I always write of you, And you and love are still my argument; So all my best is dressing old words new, Spending again what is already spent.”(Wm. Shakespeare, 1564-1616)
Boophilus over 10 years ago
Yeah, I hope they don’t make Maneson the bad guy for asking Quill and Luann to, you know, work.
JayBluE over 10 years ago
I know it sounds “obvious”, but I really see it as going one of three ways:
(1) Luann does as you say and finds something in all of this to “stick to” in prep for her upcoming C.C. courses, and in hopes to transfer…(2) This will serve as a vehicle to continue the “drama” of their discussion from the food truck, and they work through itor…(3) Somewhere the relationship gets strained and they go through a “will they break up” with various other characters (old or new) to serve as some sort of “interference” or go-between (or even to add a new “wrinkle”: in drama dynamic, to serve as a new source of tension/conflict of interests between them)….
Meh~tdology, fka Pepelaputr over 10 years ago
“Just inventorying the stock, Mrs. M!”“Tiny hats and clown noses, check!”
JayBluE over 10 years ago
There’s one from yesterday…
cruftschamp over 10 years ago
Luann looks like puddles in the last strip! … dear parents: these last strips showed you what your teenage sons and daughters do when left alone in the dark: they fool around with costumes and cute talk, so don’t be so hard on them (and if this strip has got it wrong: don’t you want grandchildren, really??)
Sisyphos over 10 years ago
Look, Luann. There’s “Luann serious” and there’s “Mrs. Manezon serious.” There’s a time for each. As you grow up, you’ve got to learn the difference and deal with it….
Caldonia over 10 years ago
Somehow I missed that incredibly elusive information.
melmarsh9v over 10 years ago
Yes, Ann Eiffel is long gone. Besides that, there is no logical reason for her to be on the Moony campus. In addition, there is no evidence from the past that she even knows who Quill is…
melmarsh9v over 10 years ago
Mrs. Manezon would know that Quill has a key to the prop room. But she does not yet know that he is not alone in there! We’ll just have to wait for Monday.
Mordock999 Premium Member over 10 years ago
“Serious”, Huh?
Look Lu, You and Pretty-Boy Wasted a Week Our time, Hours YOUR Time, Playing “Dress-Up” When You COULD Have Been Getting REALLY “Serious” if You Catch My Drift.Course, if You REALLY were depicted being SERIOUS You would have Incurred the WRATH of the “Easily Offended” since THIS is Supposed to be a “Family Comic” and the “E/O”s want Us to THINK that They Sit around each Morning at the Breakfast table reading the STRIP Out loud to Their Teen and Pre-Teen Kids and DON’T want any “Questionable Thoughts” from the Strip (or this Forum) to enter the Kids impressionable Minds DESPITE the Fact that those “E/O”s allow those SAME Kids to WATCH whatever the Heck They want on HBO. (Wheeze)
Not that I care. I’m not fan of Quillo. He’s too Perfect. Which is why I HOPE when Karen and Greg discuss future “Conflicts” for this “Couple” I Pray that they introduce a New Hot, Conniving “Femme Fatale” who’ll drive a Permanent WEDGE between the two, because “THAT’S En-ter-tain-ment!”
Alright You People. Now You Know How I Feel.
COFFEE and Pastries are On ME today.
…..,Just keep it UNDER Twenty Bucks…..,
lcbrokke over 10 years ago
Quill might be a little propped up in the prop room
thebigboot over 10 years ago
So Quill and Luann screw around where Quill is supposed to work. Fawn all over them and say how adorable they are, but if Tiffany was doing the same she’d be bad and shirking her duties. It’s like with the phone calls before prom, she was evil for trying to get things set up for it but Luann was great for calling Quill and making sure everything was ready.
Angelalex242 over 10 years ago
Of course they don’t shoot out of her hindquarters. Everyone knows they shoot out of her asp. Get it straight.
kauri44 over 10 years ago
If Mrs. Manezon is the one who gave Tiffany the leading role last year not due to talent but because Tiff’s dad gave the camp a lot of money, it’s hard for me to believe Mrs. M. takes the camp all that seriously. I kept waiting for that scandal to break last year. (Wasn’t Tiffany also one of the reasons Luann didn’t get into the camp last summer?) There must have been a lot of hard working drama camp participants who were pretty angry about the casting that year.
Mordock999 Premium Member over 10 years ago
“Nah, been there done that with Tiffany. Now, if instead it’s a new Guy….,”____________________________________
Tiffany. Remember when Tiffany was the “Girl You Loved to HATE” in this Strip? The Old Tiff added Much Needed Conflict to the Proceedings. Tiff’s battles with Lu made the Strip Interesting. Ever Since She lost Her Crown over that Firehouse Scam that TJ engineered (And GOT Away with I might Add) She’s been a Bland, Pathetic, Annoying Shadow of Her former Self.
No New Guys Please. There have been way Too Many Guys introduced in this Strip in the last Couple of Years, IMO.
A New Female Character. THAT’S whats needed. One’s who is a cross between Ann Eiffel and the “Old” Tiffany.….., But One Who’s FAR More Brilliant. And TREACHEROUS….,
kauri44 over 10 years ago
Yes, that’s certainly true, and that is one way (albeit a cynical one in this case) for Mrs. Manezon to take her camp seriously. But the female lead part was so obviously bought by Tiffany’s dad that it really didn’t say much for the ethics or reputable nature of the drama camp, and I was surprised that didn’t turn out to be a plot point later on.
jkgocomix over 10 years ago
Sally Forth’s Hil and Jon will do the nasty before Luann & the Qman
Jim Kerner over 10 years ago
Saved by the yell!
Willow Mt Lyon over 10 years ago
Girls, it is NOT okay to sit on a boy’s lap. My dad told me why when I was 16, and the reason is obvious if you think about it for just a moment. Dad said, “I know what I’m talking about.” It shouldn’t take you long to figure out what he was talking about.
TORAD_07 over 10 years ago
Luann is actually sitting on the couch. The backs of her knees are centered over Quilly’s lap.
And, besides, will it not even matter in a couple of months? :-)
TORAD_07 over 10 years ago
Same seating arrangement here
Well…. when all the young man’s band plays are things like “Sugar…Sugar,” then it’s to be expected…. ;-PPP
The only thing wrong with the above is that he’s not sitting with Veronica (I was always partial to her)…. ;-)
TORAD_07 over 10 years ago
Then I guess you could ‘Lodge’ a complaint… :)
Sisyphos over 10 years ago
Anyone else having troubles with GoComics today?
Airman over 10 years ago
I’m not convinced that there is a lot of two-way heat in this “romance.” There is more sexual tension between Knute and Crystal, but they don’t realize it yet.
TORAD_07 over 10 years ago
Anyone else having troubles with GoComics today?
Not I, said the fly. But I haven’t been on much, today.
TORAD_07 over 10 years ago
I wish Archie would realize how stuck-up and full of herself she is. Veronica is like the teenage version of Michelle from the “Curtis” strip. Honestly, she and Reggie Mantle truly, totally deserve each other, they can drive each other nuts.
From a personality/attitude perspective, you’re absolutely right. That was always my Achilles Tendon anyway….allowing myself to be “physically attracted” to someone without a care about “personality/intelligence/integrity” etc.)… Burned my posterior each and every time {sigh}
TORAD_07 over 10 years ago
I was always partial to Betty myself. Smart and self reliant.
I’ve always been a sucker for long, dark straight hair, like Veronica’s.
Scott Stevenson over 10 years ago
Trust me on this—Quill! and Luann didn’t invent the idea of the prop room being used for canoodling.
JayBluE over 10 years ago
“I just left you a couple…” ^K… :-)
JayBluE over 10 years ago
Ol’ "Ronnie"s character has been tweaked. So has Reggie and Jughead’s. Ronnie no longer is mainly selfish. It’s only portrayed when the story calls for her to be at odds with one of the newer characters, “Sheila Wu”. Sheila makes her own clothes and depending on who is doing the writing (usually Dan Parent), she is “at odds” with Veronica over “Label vs. Labor”. Or when a “love triangle” story is happening….
JayBluE over 10 years ago
And now they’ve been responded to…
JayBluE over 10 years ago
Was speaking with you about the “elephants” vs. “birds” yesterday, the “battle of the letters” in a weekend series…. and left another one…
JayBluE over 10 years ago
“How many bottles of beer on the wall?”
JayBluE over 10 years ago
“Ten Decs” below… in a sort of “roundabout” manner…
ORMouseworks over 10 years ago
Re: having trouble with GoComics today.When I was posting very early in the morning, the posting box couldn’t keep up with my typing…very aggravating. I can type fast, but Not That Fast… Anyway it was Late and, well, that’s that! ;)
ORMouseworks over 10 years ago
JPW: Re: under 20 bucks… Lawsy, lawsy…I just about fell off of my computer chair with that one! Hahahahah! ;)
ORMouseworks over 10 years ago
Tired from that Really Great wedding I went to today…everything worked out just about perfectly! (The only glitch was a few of the candles refused to light when they were supposed to. The Pastor—-who is a really great guy and funny, too—-helped with that!) I had a really, Really Fun Day! Talk at you tomorrow afternoon! ’Nite all! ;)-———————————————————————“My bounty is as boundless as the sea, My love as deep; the more I give to thee The more I have, for both are infinite.”(From “Romeo and Juliet,” by Wm. Shakespeare, 1564-1616)
Sisyphos over 10 years ago
I was having trouble with loading additional comments; seems to have something to do with either my AdBlocker or my Javascript Blocker. When I turn them off, everything works okay (except, of course that I get a bunch of ads)….
JayBluE over 10 years ago
Received and responded….
Willow Mt Lyon over 10 years ago
It is just as bad. She is still on his lap. Cartoons have always shown a female on a male’s lap, so I didn’t think anything of it until my dad came running in after work, and referring to the day before, said, “Stay off that boy’s lap. I care for you even if sometimes I don’t act like it. I warned your sister, and she didn’t listen to me, and I don’t want anything to happen to my little girl.” Okay, so get a clue. Dad probably saved me. The boy whose lap I sat on has spent most of his adult life in prison for sexual assault.
3pibgorn9 over 10 years ago
GasHouseGorilla over 10 years ago
I’m sorry, but I don’t know where this comic strip is going.
Jim Kerner over 10 years ago