What would it take to achieve world peace? First, everyone would have to agree what world peace means. So, we're doomed. Depends on what you think doomed means.
As long as there’s someone left who thinks that “world peace is when everyone who thinks or believes differently from us is dead”, there won’t be world peace until everyone who thinks or believes differently from them is dead, or until they are dead. (For the record, this applies regardless of what their religion, political inclination or nationality might be.)
I’m still waiting for WWIII to start in Europe. Germany is achieving through economic colonialism what she couldn’t achieve through war and politics. Same goes for China.
Mneedle over 10 years ago
Disparate goals make peace impossible. Yes we do need a world policeman.
inshadowz over 10 years ago
As long as there’s someone left who thinks that “world peace is when everyone who thinks or believes differently from us is dead”, there won’t be world peace until everyone who thinks or believes differently from them is dead, or until they are dead. (For the record, this applies regardless of what their religion, political inclination or nationality might be.)
Comic Minister Premium Member over 10 years ago
Agreed Larry.
Number Three over 10 years ago
“Doomed” doesn’t even come close to describing it!xxx
Hunter7 over 10 years ago
World policeman? Is that anything like putting post it notes on the World Refrigerator?
Hunter7 over 10 years ago
BTW Frank – smack Larry.
Boots at the Boar Premium Member over 10 years ago
I’m still waiting for WWIII to start in Europe. Germany is achieving through economic colonialism what she couldn’t achieve through war and politics. Same goes for China.
M2MM almost 4 years ago
We’ll have world peace when mankind is extinct. :D