The Boondocks by Aaron McGruder for February 04, 2015
Granddad: Boy, why are you staring at me? Huey: Just wondering how a God-fearing, morally conservative man can condone stealing. That's all. Granddad: Hey-we do not know if your brother stole this food. Why don't you try giving him the benefit of the doubt? Huey: Benefit of the doubt? The boy proudly defaced 15 street signs a few weeks ago!! Granddad: Hey! We do not know that your brother changed those signs. Didn't they arrest that little white girl? Huey: OK, that's it. I quit. Forget I brought it up.
Crabbyrino Premium Member about 10 years ago
Repeat? Again?
Nortley about 10 years ago
“Morally conservative” is an oxymoron.
Defective about 10 years ago
Since the strip stopped being written by Aaron McGruder in 2006, they’re all going to be repeats! Welcome back from your trip to Andromeda.