The Boondocks by Aaron McGruder for February 21, 2015
Huey: It may be hard to believe, Granddad, but I think Santa Claus actually exists in some form, and is part of a vast conspiracy by the Illuminati to control the world. Granddad: Uh-huh. Huey: He starts the mental conditioning that is a necessity for a society be controlled. He's an unseen power never to be challenged. On Christmas he replaces God - diverting attention from spirituality to greed, which is what drives the Illuminati's ability to control the world's economy in ways I'm only beginning to comprehend! "He sees you when you're sleeping, he knows when you're awake" sounds like "Big Brother" to me. The only thing left is a connection to George Bush. All conspiracies connect to George Bush one way or another... Granddad: Uh-huh. Well, now that you mention it, if you were to dress Barbara in one of those red outfits... Huey: That's it! The final piece of the puzzle!
Dean about 10 years ago
He has a point.
louieglutz about 10 years ago
too bad this kind of thinking isn’t confined to comic strips, but then it probably wouldn’t be funny anymore.
comicpat65 Premium Member about 10 years ago
Now a days they call it the Googlization of the plant. By the way …what Barbara is Granddad taking about?
Timothy Madigan Premium Member about 10 years ago
Still the leftist answer for all issues – it must be Bush’s fault.