The Boondocks by Aaron McGruder for August 19, 2015
Riley: Yo, Huey, Look at this! You talk about how bad the NRA is, well check out who's down... It's that "Moses" guy from that movie... Huey: First of all, Moses isn't just a character in a movie, second, he wasn't white. Third... I'll check the old testament, but I'm pretty sure Moses wasn't packin' heat. Riley: Well, it looked to me like he was packin' more heat than Charles Bronson, so there... NRA, fool!! What?!
SashaW over 9 years ago
The recent nonsense, would not exist if Charlton Heston, was still in charge of the NRA.
jeffbacon12357 over 9 years ago
So nice, she posted twice.
phoenixnyc over 9 years ago
’Tis a GoComics-wide glitch, it seems.
ViscountNik over 9 years ago
Heck, if I had a staff that turned into a poisonous asp I’d leave my gun at home…