The Boondocks by Aaron McGruder for November 01, 2015
Huey: I'm not crazy, right? Storm from the X-Men is supposed to be black? Caesar: Yep. She's supposed to be a "goddess" in Africa. Apparently Africans are so "primitive" they mistake superheroes for deities. Huey: Do you see the racial politics at work here? Like with Halle Berry's wig in the movie - the obsession with long, straight hair? Caesar: Yeah... I guess. I dunno. She looks kinda black, in a Robin Givens sorta way... Huey: It's the glorification of the european ideal! It's not just stupid, it's downright offensive! She doesn't look remotely African. Caesar: Maybe she has some heretofore unmentioned hair-relaxing mutant power. Or maybe she just has a super-weave. Who knows? Huey: This is exactly the kind of thing that assaults the self-esteem of young black girls. Well I'm not standing for it! I'm going to create a black superhero team with a token white woman and give her a big ol' nappy 'fro - see how they like it? Caesar: Good idea!! I'll grab some markers. We'll call her White Lightning!
Mugens Premium Member over 9 years ago
I gotta admit, when Storm first was introduced in the comics, I couldn’t figure out what the hell she was supposed to be ethnically either.
BeniHanna6 Premium Member over 9 years ago
Very good Huey, it might even sell.
jeffbacon12357 over 9 years ago
I’d buy it!
leweclectic over 9 years ago
All is fair game in the racial aspersions to the bottom.
Tarredandfeathered over 9 years ago
If I remember correctly, Storm is an Orphan with No Knowledge of her Ancestry. She could be of both African & Asian descent.Although the Platinum Blonde hair is a bit more difficult to explain that her Facial Features..The Blonde hair could easily be explained as being a Side Effect of the Mutation that gives Storm her powers, though.After all, the Genetics of Mutation are pretty scrambled.