The Boondocks by Aaron McGruder for September 06, 2018
Huey: Hello, White House? I was just wondering if you guys found any of those terrible Iraqi weapons yet? Voice on phone: (Sigh) No... Huey: Hmmm... that's too bad. How about now? Find anything? Voice on phone: No! Huey: How 'bout now? Anything yet? Voice on phone: Stop that!
Yngvar Følling over 6 years ago
99 barrels of nukes on the wall, 99 barrels of nukes.
Take one down, and pass it around, 98 barrels of nukes on the wall.
kaffekup over 6 years ago
Look under the desks…
J Short over 6 years ago
I always laugh that they blame Bush for all of it. Let us look at the statements made by Democrats before Bush took office.
braindead Premium Member over 6 years ago
J Short believes that Bush was just kind of an innocent bystander and that whatever statements Democrats made totally justifies the lie after lie Bush told in order to invade Iraq.
J Short laughs.
4500 American soldiers also died laughing, along with an unknown number of contractors and a couple hundred thousand Iraqis.
“Conservative” humor.