The Boondocks by Aaron McGruder for September 18, 2019
Huey: I dreamt about the future last night...20 years from now...Donald Rumsfeld will help push America into a terrible war against Saddam Hussein over the same weapons the U.S. is helping Saddam use against the Iranians. Caesar: Was rap music still around in 2004? Huey: Don't ask.
hogpop.padula over 5 years ago
Same crap today, different asshole !
Ellis97 over 5 years ago
Is that third guy supposed to be Riley or someone else?
fred.grenouille over 5 years ago
Wow! Way to stick the landing, Huey! I’m impressed.
bakana over 5 years ago
A number of the Newspapers which carried the strip refused to print occasional strips which were “Too Edgy” or “Too Controversial” when they first ran.
Translation: “Too Left Wing for a Good Republiklan Family Newspaper”.