The Boondocks by Aaron McGruder for June 15, 2020

  1. Catinnabag2 50pct
    MĂ iri  over 4 years ago

    And we’re going into summer season when that will be the floor price

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  2. Missing large
    jpayne4040  over 4 years ago

    Ugh. I remember that! Not in a hurry to see that come back!

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  3. Ellis archer profile
    Ellis97  over 4 years ago

    I know how you feel, grandad.

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  4. Hacking dog original
    J Short  over 4 years ago

    I remember back in the 60’s filling the family car. It was a Toronado; which was an Oldsmobile with a big V8. My Mom gave me $5 to pay the attendant. I remember getting back some change. When I gave her the change, she said, “See how expensive it is to own a car; that’s why you need to have a good job.”

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  5. 2008happynewyear1024
    TexTech  over 4 years ago

    Summer of 1969 I was working at a service station (you know, actually pumping gas for the customers). We were having a price war (remember those?) with a station up the street and I was pumping regular for 19 cents a gallon. Premium was “expensive” at 34 cents a gallon.

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