Money: the universal persuader.
She better wait until all the way home before paying.
He’ll take the money and her groceries.
Basically, Huey doesn’t like doing things for anyone. Riley on the other hand, will do things for others, provided there is a reward in it for him.
Aaron, are these comics from your life and/or the lives of people that you know/have known? Have a blessed day my friend.
Sometimes Huey acts like he doesn’t even know his own brother! Of COURSE Riley will go after the money!
May 07, 2018
blackman2732 about 3 years ago
Money: the universal persuader.
Dean about 3 years ago
She better wait until all the way home before paying.
e.groves about 3 years ago
He’ll take the money and her groceries.
Ellis97 about 3 years ago
Basically, Huey doesn’t like doing things for anyone. Riley on the other hand, will do things for others, provided there is a reward in it for him.
RonnieAThompson Premium Member about 3 years ago
Aaron, are these comics from your life and/or the lives of people that you know/have known? Have a blessed day my friend.
JoeMartinFan Premium Member about 3 years ago
Sometimes Huey acts like he doesn’t even know his own brother! Of COURSE Riley will go after the money!