The Boondocks by Aaron McGruder for July 26, 2024
TV: "As the Attorney General, it is my duty to protect America against terrorism while protecting the rights of all Americans, including those of middle-Eastern descent." "So I would like to reassure congress that my proposed turban surveillance act, which would allow the FBI to covertly plant listening devices in the headgear of suspected terrorists, is in no way meant to single out Arab or Muslim Americans."
Dean 6 months ago
The real purpose of the TSA!
Ellis97 6 months ago
Spoken like a true politician.
TexTech 6 months ago
Actually, about the only people who routinely wear turbans are those men of the Sikh religion. And they are primarily from southern India, not the Middle East. So this bill sounds about right with the ignorant AG going after a group not even involved in the “evil.”