On A Claire Day by Carla Ventresca and Henry Beckett for March 14, 2022

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    rshive  almost 3 years ago

    They have seen (and heard) a vacuum before. That’s why they’re scattering.

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    Pet  almost 3 years ago

    One dog leaves and hides under Daddy’s desk the second the first attachment comes out of the cupboard.

    The other one waits for me to vacuum right up to the sofa he is lying on, Hrrumphs at me and reluctantly goes into the other room until the second I am finished. Then Boop! He is back on the sofa.

    So, in a nutshell, one dog is petrified and the other couldn’t care any less.

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    leonz  almost 3 years ago

    My mothers German Shepard Dog loved it when the vacuum came out as he knew it was time for his weekly vacuuming and massage and he laid right at the bottom of the stairs so mom had ot vacuum him first before she went upstairs with the vacuum.

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