Steve Benson for February 14, 2010

  1. Missing large
    Libertarian1  over 14 years ago

    I have made this comment to several Democrats terribly unhappy with the court decision but never got a reply.

    Suppose this November before the election you have examined the issues and decided to vote Democratic. Then the conservative evil corporations unleash millions of dollars of advertising pro Republican. Is that going to convince you to change your vote? Will you now vote for the Republican candidate? If so, then obviously you would have learned something you didn’t know so the advertising was not only effective but educational. If not, then they wasted their millions.

    Stop you say, I am too intelligent to be fooled by those commercials. It is everybody else who is ignorant and easily fooled. It is my obviously uninformed fellow Democrats who will change their vote. That doesn’t say much for the people who support your views.

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  2. Missing large
    Libertarian1  over 14 years ago


    I assume you are asking about current expenditures because the Court’s decision has not yet been acted upon. In the 2008 election corporations gave far more dollars to the Democrats and yes indeed they got return for their investment. See the actions of the Democrats /Obama in power and the corporations got their money’s worth. When they give money to the Republicans similarly they get back ample return on investment.

    See harley quinn above. If you are in business you don’t wish to alienate customers so you give to both sides. That is in contradistinction to unions/trial lawyers which give 90%+ to Democrats

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  3. Missing large
    kennethcwarren64  over 14 years ago

    Political ads have started in my area – they are wonderful to look at, lots of sky & cloud shots, tree, flags, shots of the candiate looking – well looking very whatever office they are running for – brief 3 or 4 words of our problems (unemployment, debt, road, etc) but no mention of what the canidate stand for or how he/she is going to fix things.

    Remember what the good people who handled Reagan found out from doing surveys of people who watched the evening news: They discovered that if the news did a story about the President and they could have flag behind him or in the background that, no matter what the reporter was saying about Reagan, 55% of the people came away with a postive image of him.

    Imagine what the real big boys, with real big bucks, will be able to find out and do.

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  4. Submissions 039
    davesmithsit  over 14 years ago

    Al Gore ;Son and grandson of two senators.Graduated ivy leage school daddy and granddaddy paid for. all he had to do was show up . The only time he lifted a bale of hay milked a cow or fed chickens was for a photo OP. As for running the farm ,accountants and farm hands do that. He’s a rich kid silverspoon just like W. but without Barb. there for guidance.

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  5. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  over 14 years ago

    All political fundraising banned until 90 days before primaries. Then a secondary ban until 30 days before elections. More time to pick your candidate, then shut up! When costs come down, maybe K street will have less influence?

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  6. Da avatar spring
    thegreatack  over 14 years ago


    Please get a dictionary, a grammar book, and learn rhetoric… “cooperations”? [corporations] “isle”? [aisle]

    Learn to speak English if your going to comment on the state of America.

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  7. F22 rotation1
    petergrt  over 14 years ago

    “They outright lied about John Kerry’s military record and slandered him to no end.”

    There is a difference between mythology and facts. indeed, it is the ‘swift-boaters’ that are being constantly slandered.

    John Kerry should have been tried for treason - for aiding and abetting the enemy. His fraudulent testimony to the Congress, being but one of his offenses against the US.

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  8. Wombat wideweb  470x276 0
    4uk4ata  over 14 years ago

    “His fraudulent testimony to the Congress”

    Which testimony would that be? He is usually criticized for his work at VVAW, but I’m not aware of him having spoken before Congress as such.

    But then again, Kerry is a Democrat, and he opposed the Vietnam war after having been to it (instead of supporting it while doing everything NOT to go). Apparently that makes all the difference.

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  9. F22 rotation1
    petergrt  over 14 years ago

    “Al Gore ;Son and grandson of two senators.Graduated ivy leage school … ”

    Well, Gore got a Bachelor of Arts degree in government from Harvard … Much of the world doesn’t even recognize BA / BS as university degrees.

    His pedigree got him into politics and he went on to become the greatest pseudo-intellectuals of our time, to be so confirmed by the Nobel Committee.

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  10. Birthcontrol
    Dtroutma  over 14 years ago

    Uh, Bachelor of Arts, and Bachelor of Sciences are not recognized as university degrees?? Well, why are M.A and PhD considered POST-graduate degrees?

    Of course the fact that in some places you get a Bachelor of Arts in Biology- but a Bachelor of “Science” for La Raza or “Black Studies”- does seem a tad odd.

    Bush getting an MBA proves how much economic theory THAT required.

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  11. Wombat wideweb  470x276 0
    4uk4ata  over 14 years ago

    No, Changey - Obama got a Ph.D. in Law if I remember correctly.

    Peter… seriously. You talk about Gore’s “pedigree” as if it were something oh-so-special… I hate to do that, but do you think Bush or McCain sprang from the earthly bowels of the American working class, without so much as a sniff of the elite?

    Oh, and as for Gore “only” getting a Bachelor’s degree (which, yes, is considered a university degree), it might be that he graduated in 1969 - and enlisted in the army, one of a handful of Harvard graduates in a 1000+ class to do so. You’d think that mattered in one’s personal plans.

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  12. F22 rotation1
    petergrt  over 14 years ago

    Its the ultimate absurdity to compare John McCain with Al Gore, at least as far as pedigree is concerned.

    John was born to an old navy family - his father was an admiral, and he followed in his father’s footsteps, as did John’s son.

    John is the closest thing we have to a real hero, which was indeed a product of his pedigree, as he was singled out by the Vietcong for an extra special loving, when they discovered his pedigree.

    With respect to university degrees, suffice it to say that Sorbonne, or most major universities outside of the US do not confer bachelor ‘degrees’.

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  13. F22 rotation1
    petergrt  over 14 years ago

    “The master’s degree effectively becomes the minimum qualification for a professional engineer, rather than the bachelor’s degree.

    The academic three-year degrees prepare only for continuing towards master’s, so students who enter the workforce at that point will not be properly prepared. Yet they would have the same academic title as the fully trained vocationally educated engineers (see: Fachhochschule).”

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    parkersinthehouse  over 14 years ago

    see how picking at nothing can change the subject

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    lonecat  over 14 years ago

    I taught at Harvard. A BA from Harvard is a pretty good degree. We had some amazing students (and a few who weren’t so good), and they were certainly accepted into graduate programs all over the world. We had students coming from all over the world wanting to get a BA from Harvard. I don’t worship Harvard. There are probably ten or twenty schools in the US that are just as good, and many other strong departments. But the idea that a Harvard BA does not count as a university degree is simply ludicrous.

    Changing the subject doesn’t diminish the idiocy of the original claim. Sure, a B.Sc. doesn’t allow you to practice medicine. Who said it does? It’s still a university degree.

    And cherry-picking isolated sentences won’t do either. Here’s another isolated sentence from the same article: “The new model comes closer to the North American and Japanese systems.” Oops.

    Is this your standard of argumentation?

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  16. Reagan ears
    d_legendary1  over 14 years ago

    From reading his posts I think Peetey’s a poser. Anyone who has a college education would not be looking at their degree as something you wipe you tush with.

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    Plods with ...™  over 14 years ago

    Bidder / Spender what’s the difference. He who raises the most campaign money wins the office. Tell me it’s not for sale.

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  18. Wombat wideweb  470x276 0
    4uk4ata  over 14 years ago

    “Its the ultimate absurdity to compare John McCain with Al Gore, at least as far as pedigree is concerned.”

    Remember, you talked of “pedigree”. In every country around the world the high military command is a member of the political elite as well as the military one - these are people who rub elbows with decisionmakers on the highest levels of power. To come from such a family is about as good a “pedigree” as any.

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