Most Americans don’t know that in most of the world the roles of the period as the decimal point and the comma as the group separator are reversed, as in $1.234.567,89 which makes a lot of sense for reasons given in this cartoon.
Likewise, when the various East Asian countries adopted Western punctuation, they made the sentence-ending period (AKA full-stop) into a small circle for visibility, like this。
Since you enjoyed that so much, as an encore this comes from the Wiki article “Indian Numbering System”:
The terms lakh (100,000) and Crore (10,000,000) are used in Indian English to express large numbers. For example, in India 150,000 rupees becomes 1.5 lakh rupees, written as INR1,50,000 or INR 1,50,000; 30,000,000 (thirty million) rupees becomes 3 crore rupees, written as INR3,00,00,000 with commas at the thousand, lakh, and crore levels; and 1,000,000,000 (one billion/milliard) rupees (one hundred crore rupees) is written INR1,00,00,00,000.
pschearer Premium Member almost 10 years ago
Most Americans don’t know that in most of the world the roles of the period as the decimal point and the comma as the group separator are reversed, as in $1.234.567,89 which makes a lot of sense for reasons given in this cartoon.
Likewise, when the various East Asian countries adopted Western punctuation, they made the sentence-ending period (AKA full-stop) into a small circle for visibility, like this。
KEA almost 10 years ago
heard this from students occasionally
pschearer Premium Member almost 10 years ago
Since you enjoyed that so much, as an encore this comes from the Wiki article “Indian Numbering System”:
The terms lakh (100,000) and Crore (10,000,000) are used in Indian English to express large numbers. For example, in India 150,000 rupees becomes 1.5 lakh rupees, written as INR1,50,000 or INR 1,50,000; 30,000,000 (thirty million) rupees becomes 3 crore rupees, written as INR3,00,00,000 with commas at the thousand, lakh, and crore levels; and 1,000,000,000 (one billion/milliard) rupees (one hundred crore rupees) is written INR1,00,00,00,000.