MythTickle by Justin Thompson for July 21, 2014

  1. Thinker
    Sisyphos  over 10 years ago

    Boody’s been into the Doritos, it appears! At least Isis was honest about what she did and why. Now the ball is in Osiris’s court!

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    prrdh  over 10 years ago

    Widening the Nile, maybe. But I really don’t think cleaning the gutters is a very urgent task in either the Black or the Red Lands

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  3. Smiley3
    mntim  over 10 years ago

    So you’re a potato! What matters is that you’re the best damn potato you can be.

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  4. Colclausav
    ColonelClaus  over 10 years ago

    So, we’ll call him Tater.

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    reverence  over 10 years ago

    Osiris looks he’s talking out of his asp. ;)

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  6. Willin 2
    bluskies  over 10 years ago

    Those five villains you mention are ALL from the 20th century. There have been worse in the past. History has been rewritten countless times; we continue to fail to learn from it. It’s been happening since well before history began to be recorded on cave walls- and we continue to not learn from what went before. Talk about dumb animals!

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  7. Denver broncos logo 9118
    broncosdaddy  over 10 years ago

    Poor little Boody, seems he still has not found himself a “Scooby” type snack. LOL ;:^)

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    prrdh  over 10 years ago

    I think Marx was less the originator of ‘Marxism’ as such than an exemplar of the wooly-minded German Idealist tradition that did give rise to so many of the horrors of the past hundred years. The fondness of that school of philosophy for the reification of vague abstractions like ‘Labor’ and ‘Capital’ and its contempt for Blake’s ‘Minute Particulars’ paved the way for the worship of the State. As Jung put it:“The psychologist believes firmly in the individual as the sole carrier of mind and life. Society and the State derive their quality from the individual’s mental condition, for they are made up of individuals and the way they are organized. Obvious as this fact is, it has still not permeated collective opinion sufficiently for people to refrain from using the word “State” as if it referred to a sort of super-individual endowed with inexhaustible power and resourcefulness. The State is expected nowadays to accomplish what nobody would expect from an individual. The dangerous slope leading down to mass psychology begins with this plausible thinking in large numbers, in terms of powerful organizations where the individual dwindles to a mere cipher. Everything that exceeds a certain human size evokes equally inhuman powers in man’s unconscious. Totalitarian demons are called forth, instead of the realization that all that can really be accomplished is an infinitesimal step forward in the moral nature of the individual."

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  9. New boody icon
    Justin Thompson creator over 10 years ago

    The best Marx movie is ‘Duck Soup’. Although ‘Night At The Opera’ made me laugh the hardest.As far as Nietzsche goes, not since A. A. Atchzew has a name been so synonymous with sneezing, and the notion that allergies is the ultimate form of olfactory suffering and can only make you stronger.

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  10. New boody icon
    Justin Thompson creator over 10 years ago

    I just uploaded Wednesday’s strip. 3:30 AM Pacific time. A bit late, but hopefully it will switch over soon.

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