Rose is Rose by Don Wimmer and Pat Brady for August 31, 2014
Rose: Peekaboo! It's dinnertime! This is cat food! I can't in good conscience serve you seafood delight without knowing if you have any dietary restrictions! Oh! I hope I didn't hurt his feelings... Why is he coming back? Who's your friend? Squirrel: Meet my nutritionist.
jnik23260 over 10 years ago
His food taster!
Observer fo Irony over 10 years ago
As his nutritionist I can say that he is experiencing, temporally of course, allergies to nuts.
dadoctah over 10 years ago
We had a cat once who developed a propensity for kidney stones. Vet told us only distilled water, and only canned food with an ash content of under two percent..Surprisingly, it was easy to check the labels in the supermarket to make sure they were okay for Yang to eat. I defy you to find any “human” foodstuff with a label that specifies the ash content.
Comic Minister Premium Member over 10 years ago
Get out squirrels!
pschearer Premium Member over 10 years ago
rpmurray over 10 years ago
The flea-bag will probably snub dinner, so after she does you can feed it to the cute squirrels.