Non Sequitur by Wiley Miller for August 09, 2014
Danae: C'mon, plan is perfect. Jeffrey: Nothing is perfect, Danae. Using time travel for personal gain always has unintended consequences. Danae: No,'s my gift to the world! Hey, who wouldn't want an endless summer? Jeffrey: I'm guessing people in the other hemisphere who'd have an endless winter. Danae: Another utopian picnic rained out by science. Jeffrey: Sorry...reality is a harsh taskmaster.
Kali39 over 10 years ago
Danae turned away by sensible thought. This will never happen again.
thirdguy over 10 years ago
I’d settle for an endless Fall.
Bilan over 10 years ago
- Teachers would be out of a job.- The beaches would be even more overcrowded.- You couldn’t use your bed or car because you’re already using it.etc, etc..
Varnes over 10 years ago
As a teacher, I love it when science kicks my and everybody else’s brain in the arse ..I celebrate it. It’s my duty, and I love it….
Ida No over 10 years ago
The moon is a harsh mistress.
juicebruce over 10 years ago
Nothing wrong with the 4 seasons,it is just when one of them goes above and beyond the call of duty !
tripwire45 over 10 years ago
And the moon is a harsh mistress (speaking of science fiction).
ladykat Premium Member over 10 years ago
I reject your reality and substitute my own.
vwdualnomand over 10 years ago
the melancholy of haruhi suzumiya did a story arc about an endless summer. 15532 times they repeated the same summer. or, it could be worse. being a cubs fan and an endless summer of suck (the last 100+ years).
dabugger over 10 years ago
Cheer up Danae; near the end of summer, you will be bored. Go back to school and learn some science; you might come up with a really good plan….. and we all will duck for cover.
Meh~tdology, fka Pepelaputr over 10 years ago
Those who do not remember the past are doomed to be surprised that other people DO!
jahoody over 10 years ago
reality does have a way of messing up our lives when we ignore it too long…………
tommyjj over 10 years ago
and why does Danae care about other hemispheres ?
spaced man spliff over 10 years ago
How about lock the planet in permanent September 21st or March 21st so that the sun is always over the equator.-Doable. Just straighten out the earth’s axis to zero degree angle.
ColonelClaus over 10 years ago
Just eliminate the planet’s axial tilt
westny77 over 10 years ago
I look forward to fall. Summer is my busy season.
GarfieldJune19 over 10 years ago
Still no answer!
GarfieldJune19 over 10 years ago
That’s when my birthday is, so no thanks.