Cul de Sac by Richard Thompson for March 05, 2010
Alice: I was sleewalking last night? Mom: Yup! You ran up and down the hall growling. Alice: Wow! Mom: Petey used to sleepwalk when he was your age. He'd go in his closet and try to climb into his pants while they were on the hanger. Petey: Narcotrouseramblia. Einstein did it till he was 26.
leakysqueaky712 almost 15 years ago
If I’m ever down in the dumps, all I have to do is read this comic……………simply AWESOME!!!!!
margueritem almost 15 years ago
Narcotrouseramblia..look that up in your Funk and Wagnell’s.
cdward almost 15 years ago
What an excellent word! Narcotrouseramblia! I think I need to go share it with someone.
COWBOY7 almost 15 years ago
You’re definitely no Einstein, Petey! Alice thinks it’s cool, though.
JerryGorton almost 15 years ago
I googled it and came up with an ad for the New York Times.!!!!
dianecliff almost 15 years ago
Hey! I can’t find “Narcotrouseramblia” in Wikipedia! Doesn’t that site know everything?
GROG Premium Member almost 15 years ago
Where’d you get that 4 dollar word, Petey?
bald almost 15 years ago
i googled that too and it came back to todays cul de sac
and here i thought i learned a new word
cleokaya almost 15 years ago
Finally a condition that I have no chance of getting.
lazygrazer almost 15 years ago
Great word!—but not the kind you’ll see in texting.
pibfan868 almost 15 years ago
Yukoneric almost 15 years ago
margueritem: I googled it and you came up. YOU are famous!!!
margueritem almost 15 years ago
Yukoneric HUH?!?
uh-ohkid almost 15 years ago
Which Blisshaven tyke will mumble something about “no rest for the wicked” when Alice excitedly lets out the news she sleepwalks?
ottod Premium Member almost 15 years ago
Yep, Marg. He’s right. Don’t let the notoriety keep you up at night.
MisterFweem almost 15 years ago
night(or sleep)/trouser/walking. Very nice.
Petey, way to make up a four-dollar word to make your weird little somnambulations sound scientific.
powerPuppet almost 15 years ago
i used to sleepwalk to the bathroom, fill a cup of water, spill it on the way to my room, and go right back
cleokaya almost 15 years ago
Kitty nope, it wasn’t the water from the cup. LOL
hazel power over 6 years ago
Narcotrouseramblia: google search gave me 3 results