Poor Nancy. I remember being too afraid of looking or sweeping under my bed for a month after seeing a photo of a man’s head laying on a steep embankment. It was a highway patrol display at a county fair that had black and white photographs of victims of highway accidents.
William Reynolds about 10 years ago
I don’t know about you Nancy, but I’m sick of zombies.
jrankin1959 about 10 years ago
Do zombie sheep actually jump? Or do they more stagger over the fence?
WaitingMan about 10 years ago
Robot rampage is a much bigger threat than zombie apocalypse. After all, robots are real.
Stellagal about 10 years ago
Zombies are uninteresting. Vampires are for more romantic.
JanLC about 10 years ago
Enough already with the zombies! I’m with Wild Bill, soooooo sick of zombies.
Max Starman Jones about 10 years ago
I vote with the others. Sick of zombies and vampires.
cubswin2016 about 10 years ago
The only zombies I like are the ones that plants shoot peas at.
Jim Kerner about 10 years ago
I’m happy to see that Nancy still has her Go To Bear. I remember when Nancy dressed her bear as a vampire for Halloween.
Willow Mt Lyon about 10 years ago
Poor Nancy. I remember being too afraid of looking or sweeping under my bed for a month after seeing a photo of a man’s head laying on a steep embankment. It was a highway patrol display at a county fair that had black and white photographs of victims of highway accidents.