One Big Happy by Rick Detorie for January 20, 2017

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    Argythree  about 8 years ago


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    Night-Gaunt49[Bozo is Boffo]  about 8 years ago

    Hey, where did they learn about the naked protest ride of Lady Godiva?

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    Ermine Notyours  about 8 years ago

    Yes, the human body is so dirty it needs to be clothed at all times.

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    Stephen Gilberg  about 8 years ago

    I feel sorry for the horse.

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    kab buch  about 8 years ago

    Amazing that Ruthie and Joe know of Lady Godiva.

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    Yakety Sax  about 8 years ago

    As she rode sidesaddle, that is where the phrase “Hooray for our side” began.

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