Avis has a lot of nerve – any donation to her should be thought about carefully. We get solicitations all year from multiple organizations; I tell them I do my donations near the end of the year (when I know how much I can afford), but they stillpressure me. Those who do – well ….
Johnny Q Premium Member about 5 years ago
Or you could donate two platters…
Lyons Group, Inc. about 5 years ago
Today’s strip at Creators.com tells what’s in a name. But is it sweet?
cabalonrye about 5 years ago
Good answer. 200 bucks when you’re just been told money is tight, how tacky.
jpayne4040 about 5 years ago
Take what people donate, thank them, and be grateful for it!
jagedlo about 5 years ago
Avis has a charity drive? Or is it to cover the cost of looking like the Joker’s mom?
stillfickled Premium Member about 5 years ago
Man, Avis IS freaky lookin’.
Jan C about 5 years ago
Nice one Avis, telling a potential donor how much she has to give.
Ginny Premium Member about 5 years ago
Avis has a lot of nerve – any donation to her should be thought about carefully. We get solicitations all year from multiple organizations; I tell them I do my donations near the end of the year (when I know how much I can afford), but they stillpressure me. Those who do – well ….
dwane.scoty1 about 5 years ago
After boing selected “Grotesque Geezerette o’ the Year”, avis decided to try humping a non-profit!"