Pooch Cafe by Paul Gilligan for August 28, 2014
Neville: These dogs are relentless! They won't stop until they have these sample biscuits in their gaping, drooling maws! Neville: I should be safe on the roof. All their over-zealousness won't suddenly give them the ability to fly. Neville: Or aim a catapult.
Mungolikecookies over 10 years ago
Is that a prototype of the Cat-apult?
AGED_ENGINEER Premium Member over 10 years ago
Wouldn’t that be a dog-apult?
WoodEye over 10 years ago
x_Tech over 10 years ago
juicebruce over 10 years ago
No Post Office Swat Sqad to save Postman Neville ?
StelBel over 10 years ago
Very cool GIF!! Well done!
…..wish I could do that….
StelBel over 10 years ago
I think the dogs’ worst enemy is General Poncho. If they don’t start aiming better, their numbers will be seriously depleted!
StelBel over 10 years ago
From yesterday:
Thanks to everybody who was kind enough to leave a comment about “WonderDrool”! I really appreciated it!
Argy.Bargy2 over 10 years ago
Wow! Great stuff!
StelBel over 10 years ago
[an additional note about yesterday’s “WonderDrool”: her costume was adapted from one that I found in a search.]
mabrndt Premium Member over 10 years ago
The ability to aim? No. Build? Apparently. Or is the catapult leftover from an earlier arc, that I vaguely recall, but am too lazy to look up?
Starman1948 over 10 years ago
Poncho will never give up. The postman should use his cellphone to call for help.
Jim Kerner over 10 years ago
When Chazz finds out about this. Say good-bye to Poncho as he will be sent to a dog pound.