Pluggers by Rick McKee for February 28, 2010

  1. Macaw1
    parethed  almost 15 years ago

    My brother is an idiot too…he just unplugged the light…

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  2. Picture 056
    AddADadaAdDad  almost 15 years ago

    Dang, Gweedo, don’t let anyone cramp your style. Anecdotes are interesting & informative, the minutiae of one’s humble abode not so much.

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  3. Picture 056
    AddADadaAdDad  almost 15 years ago

    ”Joe”, you’ve said it yourself that there is no poster who uses JAD or J.A.D. as a moniker, so why do you jump to the conclusion that Gweedo was talking about you? Hmm?

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  4. What has been seen t1
    lewisbower  almost 15 years ago

    Homer Simson sticks a piece of electrical tape over the “Check Engine”light. That was 10 years ago and it’s still leaking oil on the drive.

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  5. Tarot
    Nighthawks Premium Member almost 15 years ago

    the light said : check engine

    so , I opened the hood and yep, it was still there

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  6. German shepherd 18
    Daviddeer  almost 15 years ago

    My light has been on for four years, no problems, no leaks, doesn’t use oil, I don’t care as long as it runs smooth.

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  7. Missing large
    Dave Thompson Premium Member almost 15 years ago

    The code said that the “torque converter sensor” wasn’t working right. Apparently, the engine runs a bit faster if the AC is on and I am driving over 60. It costs $650 to replace that sensor. That’s why the light is still on.

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  8. Grandpa s truck
    Bany39  almost 15 years ago

    New sensor $650, piece of tape priceless.

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  9. Frogclub
    Smarkflea  almost 15 years ago

    Apparently, those stupid lights will come on even if it’s just your gas cap not screwed on just right…

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  10. Snoopy   woodstock  hug
    Gretchen's Mom  almost 15 years ago

    Can’t we all just play nice and get along with each other? The comics are supposed to be fun!

    I’ve been verbally attacked more than once and given some pretty unpleasant nicknames on another gocomics page all because a couple of people there didn’t like an opinion I had that was the exact opposite of an opinion they had … and the attacks were pretty vicious and completely uncalled for too. While I believed (and I still do) that I stated my “case” very nicely and thoughtfully, keeping my comments strictly about the comic, their response to my opinion was anything but about the comic. They made the attack completely personal about me with a bunch of name-calling, then they told me to “MYOB”, “shut up”, and to “get lost”. It was completely brutal.

    Everyone needs to try and remember that we’re all human beings with feelings. We’re not always going to agree with each other and that’s fine; it’s a free country. But just because we don’t agree with something someone else says (as long as it’s not derogatory and offensive), that doesn’t give us carte blanche to go around attacking them. If you don’t like their comments/stories, then skip over them — it’s that simple. Why do people have to be so hateful about it? Personally, I like the stories people like Joe-Allen “Joe” Doty tells. It gives me insight regarding a way of life someone else has led that I’ve never experienced and most likely, never will. What’s so bad about that?

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  11. Last 9 11 rescue dog birthday party new york bretagne pronounced brittany owner and rescue partner denise corliss texas
    Dry and Dusty Premium Member almost 15 years ago

    Your last paragraph, GretchensMom!, well said!

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  12. Wolf3
    COWBOY7  almost 15 years ago

    When the car quits, the light is off!

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  13. Applause
    rhol55  almost 15 years ago

    My little car is almost 20 years old and it runs like a champ with no leaks, great gas mileage, and the seat is well formed around my rear making it ultra comfy!!! …Oh yes, did I mention it’s a Toyota?

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  14. Missing large
    user4503  almost 15 years ago

    The little red glow is like a comforting nite light, always present and just for me.

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  15. Missing large
    anserman38  almost 15 years ago

    My dad did the tape fixit, too. “There, that takes care of that!” Gary, you did this same comic a few years ago, but with only the driver in the car, he did the tape fixit.

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  16. Snorlax
    TheDadSnorlax Premium Member over 4 years ago

    he repeats a LOT

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