Get Fuzzy by Darby Conley for August 31, 2014
Satchel Pooch: Wanna do something? I'm bored. Bucky Katt: Satchel, I wouldn't turn to you for entertainment even if I was bored. Which I am. And I'm not. So I'm correct. Satchel Pooch: You sure? I got a new ball. Bucky Katt: Big whoop. What's so special about a dumb- want. Satchel Pooch: You may share possession of it during the course of communal play. Bucky Katt: Bongos to that. Look, we can do this the easy way or the hard way. Satchel Pooch: Easy! Wait, do what? Bucky Katt: Just give me- Satchel Pooch: Oh! Let's do it the hard way, but let's do it funny hard! Like blindfolded with a cup of yogurt on our head! Bucky Katt: Give it! Satchel Pooch: Ow! Haha! See? This is fun! Bucky Katt: You're missing the point of my violence. Satchel Pooch: You know what would make the violence even harder funny? Oven mitts!
unnormal over 10 years ago
Oven mitts?I doubt Bucky would go for that . . . kinda neutralize one of his assets.
Arianne over 10 years ago
Don’t forget the frilly apron. Nothing says funny hard like two guys in frilly aprons and oven mitts. ^ WANT ^         Chortle
bignatefan over 10 years ago
This is starting to sound like Calvinball.
rgcviper over 10 years ago
Great visuals and dialogue here. Fun one.
Duncan Idaho over 10 years ago
I WANT a 4 foot by 8 foot copy of panel 4.From 0 to Obsessed in three shakes of a dogs ball.
steverinoCT over 10 years ago
My neighbor’s cat liked the little plastic “cage” balls with a jingle in the middle. But only the red and white ones. They come in a pack of three, various colors, and when my neighbor stepped on it in the night, he had to go next day, find a pack with a red-and-white ball, and discard the other two.
Radical_Knight over 10 years ago
Definitely like being married…
Varnes over 10 years ago
My cats sit like Bucky in panel 2 all the time, usually back to a corner of the wall….And yes, they love their jingly balls…..
Hunter7 over 10 years ago
ohhh… pretty ball with noise…. as good as that bouncy red light that comes out of nowhere…. WANT!
Alan Steenhouwer over 10 years ago
How long has it been since he’s used the tooth?
Stupendous Man!!! over 4 years ago