Gil Thorp by Henry Barajas and Rachel Merrill for March 01, 2010

  1. Mmc
    Donald Benson Premium Member about 15 years ago

    Why do I suspect “Mr. Kessler” resembles a friend of the cartoonists?

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    motorcitymaxx  about 15 years ago

    he looks like a poor imitation of Ben Stein!

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  3. P1010044
    Lukebunkin   about 15 years ago

    The reality is that Mr Kessler is the younger brother of Mr. Weatherby, Principal of Riverdale HS, of Archie Fame. Dr. Pearl-Kessler

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  4. Rainbow phoenix   wide
    Ravenswing  about 15 years ago

    Hah, kids. Kessler might have been the BMOC thirty years ago.

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    huskiecoach  about 15 years ago

    Waiting for the Throw-Down between Pizza-Boy and Mop-Boy over Cassie.

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  6. Moxie
    grshprnh  about 15 years ago

    Thats Dr. pearl in diguise, how else do you think she knows all.

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    Munodi  about 15 years ago

    Mr. Kessler is keeping thirty years of glowing memories to himself.

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    AmericanJones  about 15 years ago

    That Kaz is a regular Henny Youngman. He not only roids, he rules.

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    jamesmcl0828  about 15 years ago

    In panel 2 it looks like Kaz has the number 5 tatooed on his head.

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    AmericanJones  about 15 years ago

    What’s that string hanging down from Kaz’s ear in Panel 2? I’m impressed by the way Mr. Kessler can read that paper he’s holding while looking in another direction.

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    Observe69  about 15 years ago

    Kessler could be played by a slightly younger Fyvish Finkel, and we know how much action that guy got on Boston Public.

    Kessler is a smoldering volcano of nerdly sex appeal.

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    ohiobobcat  about 15 years ago

    Observe69 will vouch for my consternation with ‘Gil Thorp” continually slamming bald guys
they are either incompetent, evil or nerds.

    The esteemed Dr. Arnold Brett almost put an end to that madness
but was poisoned by Thorp just as he was ready to hold Thorp accountable.

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  13. Wally head
    WallyCuppaJoe  about 15 years ago

    I see Cassie dumping janitor in a drum for the dashing Mr. Kessler.

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    GilTherapist  about 15 years ago

    I’ll bet Cassie has already been under Mr. Kessler’s desk.

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    ldmcdog  about 15 years ago

    I am sure all the ‘Thorpies will recognize Mr Kessler as the famous porn star–Johnnie “Wadd” Kessler!

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