How do you expect anyone to see an invisible man? A doctor, a dentist, etc., would have the same problem as an optometrist. I’m guessing the joke is that he can’t see himself, so he thinks he has a vision problem and has come to the optometrist. A little subtle and not exactly laugh-out-loud funny.
naturally_easy over 10 years ago
I’m sorry, the doctor can’t see you right now.
PerkandCindy Premium Member over 10 years ago
A sight gag
Observer fo Irony over 10 years ago
He is entering the office so he can get rose colored glasses or Transitions which ever is convenient.
dzw3030 over 10 years ago
He needs to spend more time outdoors. he’s pale as a ghost.
Charles Ransdell Premium Member over 10 years ago
Guess it’s just me, but I don’t get this one at all. Help!
Observer fo Irony over 10 years ago
@chuckransdellHow do you expect an optometrist to see an invisible man?
paullp Premium Member over 10 years ago
How do you expect anyone to see an invisible man? A doctor, a dentist, etc., would have the same problem as an optometrist. I’m guessing the joke is that he can’t see himself, so he thinks he has a vision problem and has come to the optometrist. A little subtle and not exactly laugh-out-loud funny.