I know things in High School aren’t quite the same since I have been there, but
Can you be 18 and play High School sports? When I was Senior, once you turned 18, you were no longer eligible for sports. Didnt effect many except a few hold-backs, is that different now?
Most schools and laws would see Steve as being a “person in authority” and thus not allowed to have sexual relations with a student.
Though Steve not being a teacher might make a difference.
Anyone have a favorite character in all of Gil Thorpe history?
Mine is Darren McBride.
QB in 1976. Hopefull in 1974 & 1975.
Out of all of Milford’s great quarterbacks
Robbie Cannon, Josh Sterling, Charlie Carton, Arnie Wilcox, Brad Ellis, Doug Wiley, Jarvis White
Darren McBride was the least physically talented by far.
Small, slow, with a weak arm.
Yet he was arguably Milford’s second greatest quarterback. Only Josh Sterling can make a better argument.
With no physical tools to work with, McBride used his intelligence, drive, and incredible leadership skills to make himself into a champion quarterback.
He stood up to his parents, coaches, and fellow teammates. Basically imposing his will upon them.
Milford never had someone with McBride’s leadership skills in their huddle before or since.
The first time he stepped on the field as a sophmore against Jefferson, he led the team on a 78 yard winning touchdown drive, carrying the ball the last 22 yards himself, and suffering a severe cuncussion in the process.
On his last play for Milford, with his broken throwing hand in a cast, he tossed the winning touchdown pass left handed to beat Valley Tech for the title.
phydeaux44 almost 15 years ago
Cassie sees it as only being five years difference. Steve, on the other hand, is seeing the prison gates slam shut, with him on the inside.
Lukebunkin almost 15 years ago
3 Steve needs to have at least 1 student and/or coach with him in these situations, perhaps the ever elusive Mimi or Kaz.
huskiecoach almost 15 years ago
Cassie has a future as a “Cougar”
Ravenswing almost 15 years ago
Errrr … “prison gates?”
In what state in the union do you fancy it’s illegal to sleep with an 18 year old, Setebos?
What can happen to Steve is that he can get fired, and that’s about it.
lemonbaskt almost 15 years ago
steve should go back to college like gil wants then he can have cassie casserole all the time
jimmymanners almost 15 years ago
that’s what Steve likes about them high school girls. he keeps getting older, but they stay the same age.
dadjo almost 15 years ago
Hmm, either Cassie has run out of her dermatologist-prescribed “Freckle Off,” pr maybe they only appear when she’s in an excited state.
Munodi almost 15 years ago
Steve is the oldest looking 21 year old I’ve ever seen.
doublepaw almost 15 years ago
Most schools wouldn’t allow this kind of one on one…..and why doesn’t anyone else ever practice at Milford?
grshprnh almost 15 years ago
What does “in high school” mean… if Cassie was 18 and out of high school there is no issue here? Whats up with that?
Cassie is spinning heads as well as she is spining the ball in P2.
Setebos check your math dude.
Liz36 almost 15 years ago
hey Steve, lose the facial hair and you’ll look more like 21 instead of looking like you’re pushing 40.
AmericanJones almost 15 years ago
Cassie’s the first person I’ve seen that spins the ball on two fingers.
kramer95 almost 15 years ago
Do it, Steve!! She’s legal and we want to be entertained!
OldGreyBear almost 15 years ago
I know things in High School aren’t quite the same since I have been there, but
Can you be 18 and play High School sports? When I was Senior, once you turned 18, you were no longer eligible for sports. Didnt effect many except a few hold-backs, is that different now?
Dayton3 almost 15 years ago
Most schools and laws would see Steve as being a “person in authority” and thus not allowed to have sexual relations with a student.
Though Steve not being a teacher might make a difference.
Anyone have a favorite character in all of Gil Thorpe history?
Mine is Darren McBride.
QB in 1976. Hopefull in 1974 & 1975.
Out of all of Milford’s great quarterbacks
Robbie Cannon, Josh Sterling, Charlie Carton, Arnie Wilcox, Brad Ellis, Doug Wiley, Jarvis White
Darren McBride was the least physically talented by far.
Small, slow, with a weak arm.
Yet he was arguably Milford’s second greatest quarterback. Only Josh Sterling can make a better argument.
With no physical tools to work with, McBride used his intelligence, drive, and incredible leadership skills to make himself into a champion quarterback.
He stood up to his parents, coaches, and fellow teammates. Basically imposing his will upon them.
Milford never had someone with McBride’s leadership skills in their huddle before or since.
The first time he stepped on the field as a sophmore against Jefferson, he led the team on a 78 yard winning touchdown drive, carrying the ball the last 22 yards himself, and suffering a severe cuncussion in the process.
On his last play for Milford, with his broken throwing hand in a cast, he tossed the winning touchdown pass left handed to beat Valley Tech for the title.
Darren McBride.
None better.
Liz36 almost 15 years ago
Dayton3…….impressive, brings back the memories, well done.