Why do I suspect that Grandfather is going to give a dying MESSAGE that none of the two schemers expected, one that rolls us all into a completely unexpected adventure ?
In the meantime, back on 3-4-2010 with a “sip of wine” Warbucks’ stage REVOLVED away, out of sight of the ongoing “Blue Circle” saga and Agent Shuter’s investigation of them.
Okay. What Happens in the “real” granddaughter shows up? Should be interesting.
Not gonna happen, I reckon. The way the two old bags are acting, my feeling is they actually already murdered the girl, in order to usurp her place as heiresses - but they weren’t counting on their uncle wanting to see her again. Connie had better watch out she doesn’t get similarly disposed of.
And I also agree the old man probably has a message to pass on, that might tie in with the Blue Circle or some other ongoing storyline.
margueritem almost 15 years ago
A connivery of cons…
margueritem almost 15 years ago
Leaky, you’re a guy?!?
linsonl almost 15 years ago
Mornin’ all. Ya beat me again. I hope these con artists get what they deserve, I think they will.
mrbribery almost 15 years ago
Did she get the $15,000? Hope it’s in a safe place.
Perhaps she can sing an assortment of show tunes for the old man.
leakysqueaky712 almost 15 years ago
And who is her mother supposed to be?
Does she know these 2 flim flam artists names?
Ya see, little details like that can trip up a good scheme!!!
Yes Marg.
Ray_C almost 15 years ago
Gosh, Leaky, we thought you wuz a frog!
Plods with ...™ almost 15 years ago
Leaky’s not a frog? I MUST be getting old.
dvoyack almost 15 years ago
Okay. What Happens in the “real” granddaughter shows up? Should be interesting.
BASSMANBOB6 almost 15 years ago
How “Squeaky” earned the nickname “Leaky”!
BB, stop posting this junk or you’re going to be banned. Seriously, a urinating Calvin animation? What is wrong with you?
sydney almost 15 years ago
Why do I suspect that Grandfather is going to give a dying MESSAGE that none of the two schemers expected, one that rolls us all into a completely unexpected adventure ?
In the meantime, back on 3-4-2010 with a “sip of wine” Warbucks’ stage REVOLVED away, out of sight of the ongoing “Blue Circle” saga and Agent Shuter’s investigation of them.
All, until another day.
sydney almost 15 years ago
Hmm ! - CONFESSION DAY (?) … and we even drop the gender “civility” of “AUNT” ?
Seems we have others here who need to do some ”FESSING” up too ;-)
notbugme almost 15 years ago
You’re so right, Doty, Connie knows it’s a con, but as long as she gets her fee, why should she care?
Annie2 almost 15 years ago
scbaguru said, about 8 hours ago
Okay. What Happens in the “real” granddaughter shows up? Should be interesting.
Not gonna happen, I reckon. The way the two old bags are acting, my feeling is they actually already murdered the girl, in order to usurp her place as heiresses - but they weren’t counting on their uncle wanting to see her again. Connie had better watch out she doesn’t get similarly disposed of.
And I also agree the old man probably has a message to pass on, that might tie in with the Blue Circle or some other ongoing storyline.
logan_4067 almost 15 years ago
The Granddaughter is Annie lol
sydney almost 15 years ago
They have some names here today … that seem to be real ”challenges”?
Just scroll up and you’ll see !
mrprongs almost 15 years ago
OMG They killed Theresa! You witches!
davidf42 almost 6 years ago
Morning, Anniephans!