The Argyle Sweater by Scott Hilburn for March 10, 2010

  1. Emerald
    margueritem  about 15 years ago

    Your nose is growing, Pinnochio…

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  2. 273. 2 80.1 route 236 coyote west winter  08f
    LKD  about 15 years ago

    Don’t forget to ask for paper instead of plastic.

    When Pinocchio said he wanted to be a real boy, I guess that really meant he wanted to get all ghetto up in the place? Who knew.

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  3. Tarot
    Nighthawks Premium Member about 15 years ago

    Pinnochio is stringing him along. but for the chance to get some Sap Lite, wooden you?

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  4. 5346ae65734b4d0e82350407ef0d8e00 250
    cleokaya  about 15 years ago

    Pinnochio is sporting wood.

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  5. Smiley tongue
    Smiley Rmom  about 15 years ago

    Is that HIS leg he put on the counter? Looks like identity theft to me. (His legs aren’t that big in diameter.)

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  6. Cookie close
    Saucy1121 Premium Member about 15 years ago

    The leaf haning from his nose is snot nice.

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  7. Gnome green
    bubujin_2 Premium Member about 15 years ago

    I wooden know about that.

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  8. 273. 2 80.1 route 236 coyote west winter  08f
    LKD  about 15 years ago

    FishStix said: Paper might be a family reunion - ?

    You’re right! I didn’t even think he might know the bag he tips from. Poor kid, and his troubled youth. That’d drive me to drink too if my family members were turned into common bags.

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  9. Coffee turtle avatar
    coffeeturtle  about 15 years ago

    Sap Lite: Great Taste; Less Splinters

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  10. Frog4
    Digital Frog  about 15 years ago

    Should have gone to the corner lacquer store…

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  11. Humerus
    humerous_in_me  about 15 years ago

    I knew he woodn’t get it, he’s barking up the wrong tree and now the guy will play him like a fool. Telling such tall tails…hmph

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  12. Missing large
    wavygravy  about 15 years ago

    Hi, Scott Hilburn! I’m a fellow published cartoonist, and I really admire your feature very much. That said, today’s comic - 3/10/10 is so simular to one I created in 2009. In my cartoon, Pinocchio is sitting in a bar and placing his foot on the bar with “rings” on the bottom of his shoe. My caption is: Pinocchio get’s carded. I find it quite amazing how we think alike. Just wanted to thank you for sort of publishing my cartoon. Again, I truly admire your work Scott, and by you publishing that cartoon, I feel I’m again on the right track to getting a full time contract with a syndicate because of my writing. Sincerely, Steve(Wavygravy)!

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  13. Cicada avatar
    Dirty Dragon  about 15 years ago

    “Simpsons did it.”

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  14. Cardinal1w
    dropping.beans  about 15 years ago

    What a coincidence today is wavy gravy’s first day here at gocomics and on his first post, he just happened to see that Scott Hilburn’s cartoon is one he did way back in 2009.

    I’ve seen this cartoon done back in the 1990’s so wavy don’t pat yourself on the back too hard.

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  15. 273. 2 80.1 route 236 coyote west winter  08f
    LKD  almost 15 years ago

    ::Shrug:: Nothing truly original is ever seen for the first time by anyone but its creator. Everything we read and enjoy is on its Nth incarnation.

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