Adam@Home by Rob Harrell for September 04, 2014
Adam: I think my new style is really improving my writing. But I think I can do more. I'm thinking a fireplace in my study. And I can line the walls with dark wood bookshelves filled with my best books. Laura: Your "Calvin and Hobbes" collections? Adam: In the classics section, naturally.
sbwertz over 10 years ago
The first thing you see when you walk into any room in my house are the bookshelves. That’s what happens when you marry a librarian LOL.
scyphi26 over 10 years ago
Concurred there, Adam, concurred.
Dani Rice over 10 years ago
That’s one reason we’ll never move. Wall to wall books in two rooms, and we couldn’t part with any of them!
neverenoughgold over 10 years ago
If the clothes make the person, Night-Gaunt, I think Adam may need a new taylor…
Guilty Bystander over 10 years ago
I consider Pogo and Li’l Abner the classics. Loved Calvin & Hobbes but it’s a little soon (for me) to call it a classic. Think of turning on an oldies radio station and hearing Mariah Carey.
Troy over 10 years ago
I don’t know. Sometimes I think Adam and I would get a long greatly. Love the hat, love the idea of the book shelves and yes, of course, they’d be lined with comic books.
Hunter7 over 10 years ago
Far Side.
sunchaunzo over 10 years ago
Don’t forget Bloom County!