Ziggy by Tom Wilson & Tom II for March 13, 2010

  1. Wolf3
    COWBOY7  almost 15 years ago

    I don’t think it’ll make much difference here. Should be less expensive, too!

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  2. Cheetah crop 2
    benbrilling  almost 15 years ago

    Several studies have found placebos to be surprisingly effective.

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  3. Dsc00254  2
    ronaldmundy  almost 15 years ago

    i’m hooked on placebos!

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  4. Bleach ichigo
    NoBrandName  almost 15 years ago

    How do you test placebos for their effectiveness? If placebos are your test group, what do you use in the control group, a different kind of placebo? If the placebo is found to be as effective as what it is being tested against, doesn’t that just mean that the other product is surprisingly ineffective?

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  5. Bth baby puppies1111111111 1
    kab2rb  almost 15 years ago

    For me generics don’t usually work. One type of pill I’m on generics may vary in strength. So I stay with the real type. I’ve talked with pharmacists and they say it takes days to get real type of pills for illness and they cost a lot. I can understand for a lot of people who have to pay for pills to make them better generics is all they can afford.

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  6. Whatwouldblue
    mrslukeskywalker  almost 15 years ago

    I’ve been on Minocycline for Rosacea. Minocycline is the generic for Minocin. I pay 64.95 (at Stop & Shop, they’re cheaper than Walmart) for a 2 month supply, since I have no more insurance. On my prescription label, it says “You saved $775.00 by using the generic version”.

    WHO THE “H” has $839.95 for a 2 month supply of a simple Tetracycline? That’s $14.00 a day for 2 pills that cost a couple of cents each a few years ago. It’s only going to get more expensive when Obama drives more US drug mfg’s out of business!

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    ArtyG  almost 15 years ago

    I’ve been taking the same meds for about 35 years. They used to cost me $60 per month just for the co-pay! Now with no insurance I get the same meds plus 4 more for $60 for a three month supply at Walmart. Long live Walmart!

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  8. V  9
    freeholder1  almost 15 years ago

    Please don’t blame O for the drug prices, kid. They been going up LONG before he showed up and a national program would cut the costs, ask the Canadians we get our drugs from in Michigan…Arty: I went from $200+ a month to $10.00 for 90 DAY supply. Among other things, Wally imports from up north to do it, by the way. You know, from the country with a national health care system.

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  9. V  9
    freeholder1  almost 15 years ago

    There’s a app pill for that. Zig.

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    Mythreesons  almost 15 years ago

    If Walmart does it, so does K-Mart and Walgreen’s. And probably your local pharmacy. At least check an independent druggist, and keep your money locally. Walmart is highly over-rated in my opinion. The few pennies saved isn’t worth the hassle of finding a parking place, much less the number of families with half a dozen whining kids all over the place.

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  11. Whatwouldblue
    mrslukeskywalker  almost 15 years ago

    The prices have obvioulsy been on the abnormal rise before Obama, but Obama is attacking and promising to REMOVE the insurance companies and the drug companies. What do you think is going to happen to the prices when there’s no more competition, or no more of your drug period? Importing drugs will also cost more with all the B$ they attach to imports. It’s intentional.

    Do you pay attention to anything this communist says or does? Or to the fact that the Canadian hierarchy comes HERE for their medical care? That’s right, their healthcare system is admittedly in shambles from top to bottom. They have to come here to be treated in time to survive.

    P.S. I said I don’t use Walmart. I compared that I’m paying less than what Walmart charges, because that’s what people seem to use as a comparison these days. Walmart charges $22.00 more than what I’m paying. Stop & Shop gives mfg. info with the paperwork, and both makers of my drug are local, American companies. I DID shop around. WalGREEN’S tried to say my prescription was 177.00 for a 30 day supply !?! (compared to $30.00).

    Mythreesons. I agree about Walmart. It’s like being in another world where they wear dirty pajamas and house slippers out in public. They do sell AMERICAN made ammo at the lowest prices around though. That’s all I go there for. Savings of $5.00 per box of 50, for the same box of Winchester or American Eagle means the difference between target practice and no target practice once every month or two, when you’re out of work, and when their ammo shelves aren’t completely wiped out.

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  12. Frank
    skymante  almost 15 years ago

    MrsLukeSkywalker, what’s a “Georgia hot?”

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  13. Willowtree5
    Willows Dream  almost 15 years ago

    Who cares I’m happy cause of Pants!!!!! and shoes!!!

    Tom & Tom II you rock!!! xD

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  14. Whatwouldblue
    mrslukeskywalker  almost 15 years ago

    Skymante, it’s a large hotgog made with hot spices. They’re Deeee-licious! If you like hot, spicy foods. Hot dog vendors sell them, but I get them at the grocery store.

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  15. Missing large
    paleolith Premium Member almost 15 years ago

    NoBrandName said “How do you test placebos for their effectiveness? If placebos are your test group, what do you use in the control group, a different kind of placebo?”

    The control group takes nothing at all. The whole point of testing a placebo is to determine whether it works better than nothing. You are testing the psychological component of the treatment. With normal drug trials, you are testing the drug itself, so you test it against a placebo to control for the psychological effect of treatment (Hawthorne effect).

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