@ aficionadoI like comics a little on the twisted side. Makes you stop and wonder how the writer came up with the idea in the first place. If you don’t like Tony Carrilo’s work, don’t read it. His work may not be to your liking, but to say it is stupid….now that’s just not right.
I think this strip is always excellent, I think this is a play on people at ‘other’ jobs always taking a smoke break. I had a job once where the manager, and the assistant took 10 min smoke breaks every two hours but would get mad at us non smokers if we even took bathroom breaks.
I can totally related to how this strip applies to, they just want a smoke break like actual smokers get.
Templo S.U.D. over 10 years ago
The town’s bravest, huh?
Egrayjames over 10 years ago
@ aficionadoI like comics a little on the twisted side. Makes you stop and wonder how the writer came up with the idea in the first place. If you don’t like Tony Carrilo’s work, don’t read it. His work may not be to your liking, but to say it is stupid….now that’s just not right.
MeGoNow Premium Member over 10 years ago
I remember the days when we would stumble out of a smoke filled building and light up.
angelfiredragon over 10 years ago
I think this strip is always excellent, I think this is a play on people at ‘other’ jobs always taking a smoke break. I had a job once where the manager, and the assistant took 10 min smoke breaks every two hours but would get mad at us non smokers if we even took bathroom breaks.
I can totally related to how this strip applies to, they just want a smoke break like actual smokers get.
Fido (aka Felix Rex) over 10 years ago
It would have been funnier if the two firefighters outside actually had cigarettes…
Fido (aka Felix Rex) over 10 years ago
Or was the guy coming out the smoker? Not too clear…
I AM CARTOON LADY! over 10 years ago
Ha haa! LOL! I love today’s Cartoon!