Sounds like the coffee house is doing well!
Geez, I woulda figured that to be a Freudian influence…
LoL! Mark wowed her with his photog-passion! Art and psychology? wow..
I think Mark is going to date her mom
I tink vot ve haff here ist a menopausal mood sving. Giff it an hour und you vill haff her back to her normal self.
@Doctor Toon: By any chance you slipped some nuclear coffee in that coffee house between Wednesday and today?
You get to pre read these JAD??
Jane’s going to have an affair????
Let the rumour mill churn….
…um …
robinafox about 15 years ago
Sounds like the coffee house is doing well!
Hugh B. Hayve about 15 years ago
Geez, I woulda figured that to be a Freudian influence…
arsmall about 15 years ago
LoL! Mark wowed her with his photog-passion! Art and psychology? wow..
Totalloser Premium Member about 15 years ago
I think Mark is going to date her mom
Plods with ...â„¢ about 15 years ago
I tink vot ve haff here ist a menopausal mood sving. Giff it an hour und you vill haff her back to her normal self.
Lyons Group, Inc. about 15 years ago
@Doctor Toon: By any chance you slipped some nuclear coffee in that coffee house between Wednesday and today?
Plods with ...â„¢ about 15 years ago
You get to pre read these JAD??
Jane’s going to have an affair????
Let the rumour mill churn….
3hourtour Premium Member about 15 years ago
…um …