FoxTrot by Bill Amend for July 22, 1988
Pawnmaster 2000®: Come on. Just a quick game. Roger: I can't play chess now- I have to go to work. Pawnmaster 2000®: Chicken. Roger: Look, I'm running late as it is. I can't play you right now. Pawnmaster 2000®: Cluck cluck cluck cluck cluck cluck Roger: You don't want to know why I'm late. Pembrook: Oh. No, Fox- I'd love to hear why you're late.
Rachel_E over 4 years ago
This chess game has a sense of humor. I need it. XD
ButteryPopcorn over 4 years ago
Oh, wow, he had a “Golden Gallows” award… be afraid, Roger, be VERY AFRAID!!!
【。_。】 CalvinHobbesFan2021 【。_。】 almost 4 years ago
the boss sounds like my old teacher
AliensAbductedMyLeftShoe almost 4 years ago
Thats an intresting story:I’m late because my chessboard called me a chicken…
TheChΩsenΩne about 3 years ago
I think"I got my fingers stuck in a bowling ball" is so much better
eastonian256 over 2 years ago
NO ONE calls me chicken…