Gil Thorp by Henry Barajas and Rachel Merrill for March 27, 2010

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    kissimkid  almost 15 years ago

    I don’t think this fight will go too many rounds, Pizza making doesn’t tone many muscles. Will Cassie make the game in time to win it or won’t they let her play because she didn’t show. Tune in Monday for the nest exciting installment!

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  2. Slasher
    razorback2824  almost 15 years ago

    Did Cassie really think things wouldn’t end up this way? Did she think Steve wouldn’t try to set things right after she put the moves on him?

    I know the yearbook committee’s already counted the votes, but there had better be a “Most Likely to End Up on ‘COPS’” category in there.

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  3. Rainbow phoenix   wide
    Ravenswing  almost 15 years ago

    So is Gil going to wind up in the next cell over from Ray for B&E? Inquiring minds want to know!

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    Lukebunkin   almost 15 years ago

    Any chance it is Kaz to the Rescue due to Gil still being at Cassies parents house eating all of the cookies and falling asleep on the couch spooning with Mr. Kessler and dreaming how he got sucked into this convoluted mess? Rubin still has been very vague as to why Steve left State U to hang out at his old HS. I think this latest indignation would make college look pretty good right now, especially since State made it to the Elite 8 of the NCAAMILF Tourney. Go Sparty! Mimi

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  5. Paul
    JerryPulver  almost 15 years ago

    Dang, in P1 Ray whacked Steve so hard that one of his eyeballs is still stuck in his glasses!

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    huskiecoach  almost 15 years ago

    Gotta be Gil slammin RayRay into the wall

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    lemonbaskt  almost 15 years ago

    i thought you gotta ask a guy with glasses to take them off first before you wak

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  8. Mgk
    dadjo  almost 15 years ago

    Not a bad left cross from Ray-Ray. Who new he was a southpaw pizza flipper? Maybe when he gets out of jail Gil can find a spot for him on the Milford baseball roster. I figure at the rate this strip is progressing it’ll be 18-24 months before baseball season starts.

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    vixvega  almost 15 years ago

    Yesterday the fist and today the broom handle

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    Mudlarkian  almost 15 years ago

    Gotta be Kaz’s hand in p 3. Gil would invite the combatants to sit down and discuss their differences over milk and cookies
Cassie’s cookies.

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    Browns44  almost 15 years ago

    Just like I said, it is the Jerry Springer TV Show!

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    ldmcdog  almost 15 years ago

    the truth will come out that Steve left State because he killed someone (justifiable homicide), so he did not have to serve time. His hands have been certified as lethal weapons, so he is trying to channel that energy into janitorial work. Is pizza boy a goner? Will history repeat itself?

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    b8tzm  almost 15 years ago

    From behind with no warning Steve gets cold cocked :(

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    Observe69  almost 15 years ago

    Is that the Fist o’ Pizza?

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