Michael Ramirez for August 23, 2014

  1. Mooseguy
    moosemin  almost 10 years ago

    Ramirez, how do you KNOW that the president is doing nothing about this? Do you remember how, one morning, we all woke up to hear that bin Laden had finally been found and eliminated? It may take a while to find these ultra-extremists, rather than striking out indiscriminately, killing “collateral damage” and upping Isis’s recruitment.

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    bernardgarner  almost 10 years ago

    The one trick pony cartoonist is at it again with his not very funny or witty ad hominem attacks.

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    Theodore E. Lind Premium Member almost 10 years ago

    As usual the solution is another trillion dollar war. How many innocent civilians will get killed this time?

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  4. Santabutcherpin
    ishannon5289  almost 10 years ago

    So would effective foreign policy be boots on the ground, or what ever Obama isn’t doing?

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    6.6TA  almost 10 years ago

    It turns out that ISIS is playing people like Ramirez like a violin.

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  6. Giraffe cat
    I Play One On TV  almost 10 years ago

    The chief financiers of ISIS are Saudi Arabia and Yemen. (Plus the money American taxpayers put into the Iraqi banks in the foolish assumption that Iraq would be willing to take care of itself if we just handed enough dollars to them, that ISIS took over.)

    The right answer is to find ways to make it less attractive for them to finance. Diplomacy, sanctions….most people react to a change in their own money supply.

    But that would mean that America would have to switch from an oil-based energy system to something else. Perhaps what some people call “green jobs” would be the right answer: we have the sun, the wind, ocean waves, all kinds of things that energy companies can’t put a meter on….oh, that’s one obstacle, isn’t it?

    And then Solyndra failed, and this means that we can NEVER ever consider alternative energy again (how many planes crashed before Wilbur and Orville left the ground safely?).

    So, a great part of our problem is our long-term unwillingness to get away from foreign oil. The one time we tried, we lost the equivalent of 3 day’s worth of what it costs to maintain the war in Afghanistan. And that investment was just not worth it, nor will it ever be.

    There are ripple effects from our foolish past policies. We can continue them and continue to finance our enemies, or we can try to rise above decades of stupidity. Based on the posts I read here, and what I hear from the people who are called our “leaders”, I’m betting on the former.

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  7. Giraffe cat
    I Play One On TV  almost 10 years ago

    “But why are we not drilling here drilling NOW!”

    We are. But we don’t even have to. I have a brother-in-law who is now retired from his fourth job as an oil industry executive. His last company helped his clients by identifying wells in the US that had been capped and left for dead, but they still were capable of being productive. His clients were Scandanavian; and they and he made big money off the leavings of American oil companies.

    The oil is there. The wells are capped and abandoned to keep the prices up. The unofficial energy policy in this country has always been to use up everyone else’s oil first so that we can keep what we have to use when everyone else is empty. This was and continues to be counterproductive for everyone except the oil industry, which continues to post tens of billions in profits while we blame the president for high gas prices.

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  8. Giraffe cat
    I Play One On TV  almost 10 years ago

    Also, the Bush administration, who you have to admit had a soft spot for oil, released a report that stated that even if we had started a plan to drill here, drill there, drill everywhere starting now, it would be mid 2030s before we had an effect on the world market.

    Continuing to base our energy policy on oil is the equivalent of devising NASA computer programs on a 286 computer.

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    kline0800  almost 10 years ago

    disgustedamerican said, less than a minute ago

    “Ted Lind GoComics PRO Member said, about 2 hours ago As usual the solution is another trillion dollar war. How many innocent civilians will get killed this time?”-And you, Ted Lind, want Americans to kneel, surrender, and also let Jihadis behead us?-Iran declared WAR on America in 1979. Just because they are taking time to act to kill us, meanwhile killing innocents all around the planet, “Peaceniks” want us to shrink our military, let our equipment sit and rust and pretend we are safe?-Our several Intel agencies have serving and retired people telling us that Jihadis have cells in the USA, TODAY! More are coming, some across Obama’s OPEN BORDERS.-Here is an article about one domestic Jihadi, Ali Muhammed Brown, on a 2014 killing spree doing 4 murders for “revenge”; April, Leroy Henderson killed in Seattle (a hot-bed of anti-American and anti-Jew Jihadism), He killed 3 in June: Seattle, Ahmed Said and Dwone Anderson-Young andIn New Jersey, Brendan Tevlin. -While doing Jihad the killer wore a Muslim keffiyeh and carried a notebook of Jihadist info. He told police “My mission is vengeance.”-A nation that refuses to defend itself from bloody-handed haters who have been declaring “Death to Americans” for decades, is a very stupid and cowardly nation. The Earth is flowing blood that Jihadis have been shedding. No normal, sane human can deny that truth. No normal, sane person can oppose military force to try to stop the bloodshed of innocents with no way of resisting….the elderly, children—-one 5 year old boy was cut in half in Iraq! The unarmed adults also are killed or buried alive or certain women and girls have been forced to be sex-slaves to Jihadists. This is their ugodly pattern of behavior…..7th century Barbarism.-(info from Michelle Malkin article 8/22/13 www.humanevents.com)

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    majormarj  almost 10 years ago

    Why continue ranting when you can blame CLINTON for 9/11. Idiot.

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    Not the Smartest Man On the Planet -- Maybe Close Premium Member almost 10 years ago

    And who will fight the ground war you neocons want America to wage on ISIS? You? Your sons and daughters? Not likely. Me? My sons and daughters? Not if you’re not on the front lines with them.

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  12. Mooseguy
    moosemin  almost 10 years ago

    @John Locke

    No, I do not think that. If I was king, and followed my emotions, Iran and the mid-east would be a surface of glass by now.

    What I am saying is that we have many enemies around the world. Should we take them on all at once? The methods and dynamics of waging war are still changing in this new century. For decades, the U.S. prepared for a conventional/possibly nuclear war with the USSR. (Even today, that is still a possibility)

    I know I am fond of giving history lessons on GC, but what follows is perfectly relevant.-—————————————————————————————When General Robert E. Lee was meeting with his top lieutenants, discussing Grant’s note of surrender, some of his officers recommended that the Army of Northern Virginia scatter into the hills, and carry on guerrilla warfare. Lee nixed that option, saying that the country would be at bloody war with eachother for unforeseen years to come, and destroy us all.This is much how warfare seems to be developing in much of the world. How should we deal with it? Shall we put boots on the ground and order massive airstrikes, carpet bombing this new “Caliphate”? And if we did, and got bogged down, wouldn’t the time be opportune for North Korea, Iran, China or Putin’s new USSR to make a sudden move?

    The last thing we need now is to make new, more enemies. We must target the right people and eliminate “collateral damage”. It is a daunting challenge, one which I am sure the president and the pentagon are wrestling with.

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    Bigmack Premium Member almost 10 years ago

    We are drilling now? Why don’t you know that before you post such trash? http://www.cnbc.com/id/100364226

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