My whole family went to Branson once (rented a block of condos on the lakes). It was chosen because they decided the travel distance would be similar for everyone, had the fishing and tubing for the mostly teen grandkids. The condo building had a BBQ to cook the fresh caught fish, too. We went to a few shows in the evenings (mostly magicians and Chinese acrobats).
I took everyone on the Duck boat through town the first morning (when my luggage had not yet arrived, so no change of clothes or makeup for me).
mikie2 over 10 years ago
They also show slides of their house and Thanksgiving dinner to the homeless. All heart. And BTW, it’s all about them, not their victims.
finale over 10 years ago
Rioting at the JDC… at Eleven
Last Rose Of Summer Premium Member over 10 years ago
Your Tee Shirs says it all Dale, you will be glad to be alive after those kids get through with you.Cluelessm simply clueless.
Say What Now‽ Premium Member over 10 years ago
The kids will have to kill them. It’s either that or death by boredom. (self defense)
bagbalm over 10 years ago
At least it isn’t PowerPoint.
imnormal over 10 years ago
Joy is right, people like them make the world go in circles, very small circles, same thing over and over and over.
orbenjawell Premium Member over 10 years ago
…..the gang down at the ’ol JDC will likely become more delinquenty than ever by time this is over.
vldazzle over 10 years ago
My whole family went to Branson once (rented a block of condos on the lakes). It was chosen because they decided the travel distance would be similar for everyone, had the fishing and tubing for the mostly teen grandkids. The condo building had a BBQ to cook the fresh caught fish, too. We went to a few shows in the evenings (mostly magicians and Chinese acrobats).
I took everyone on the Duck boat through town the first morning (when my luggage had not yet arrived, so no change of clothes or makeup for me).
MeGoNow Premium Member over 10 years ago
I guess that’s one way to change from criminal to criminally insane.