Gasoline Alley by Jim Scancarelli for April 02, 2010

  1. Mr peanut
    leakysqueaky712  almost 15 years ago

    They better check to see if he’s still breathing.

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  2. Mr peanut
    leakysqueaky712  almost 15 years ago

    I’m not sure Gweedo…………but I dont see the usual comic strip ZZZ’s coming out his mouth.

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  3. Beatnik 128x128
    ocean17  almost 15 years ago

    Walt reminds me a lot of some dead guys I’ve seen, so I think I’ll jump to conclusions. I’d think that when a guy stops breathing at 110, “do not resuscitate” is the order of the day.

    Someone needs to tie his jaw, so it doesn’t flop around and he looks a bit more dignified. And I hope those two bozos stop cracking stupid one-liners long enough to figure out who has the medical power of attorney, in case the hospital needs consent to pull the plug.

    Then it’s off to the cooler for Walt W. Wallet. Sad, but he had a better run than the rest of us are going to have.

    Look for Corky to totally break down soon. He’s skating on thin ice.

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  4. Missing large
    Airboy20  almost 15 years ago

    Wow, morbid much?

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  5. Bth baby puppies1111111111 1
    kab2rb  almost 15 years ago

    I don’t know if I will see that age. I’m surprise the guys haven’t been talking about history. Walt will continue to sleep for hours.

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  6. Noooo 1
    MovingtoMilford  almost 15 years ago

    How many more one-liners are we going to get. Shouldn’t Joel and Rufus be there by now? They’ll probably show up on Sunday.

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  7. P6290172a
    436rge  almost 15 years ago

    Corky resembles his mother Phyllis.

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