Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal by Zach Weinersmith for September 11, 2014
Funtime activity: Finding quotations that use words whose meanings have changed over time Today's episode: Washington to Hamilton, 1797 My Dear Sir: Not for any intrusive value the thing possesses, but as a token of my sincere regard and friendship for you, and as a remembrance of me, I pray you to accept a wine cooler.
emptc12 over 10 years ago
Forget Nostradamus. Look into Nineteenth Century Transcendentalist works for hints of the future, for instance this quotation from Walt Whitman, SONG OF MYSELF:.31“I believe a leaf of grass is no less than the journey work of the stars,And the pismire is equally perfect, and a grain of sand, and the eggof the wren,And the tree-toad is a chef-d’oeuvre for the highest,And the running *blackberry would adorn the *parlors of heaven,And the narrowest hinge in my hand puts to scorn all machinery,And the cow crunching with depress’d head surpasses any statue,And a *mouse is miracle enough to stagger *sextillions of infidels.”.*the Blackberry, of course*Internet cafes?*the ubiquitous computer mouse*Internet p-orn?.And, wow — LEAVES OF GRASS!
T_Lexi over 10 years ago
I wonder if the wine cooler in question was a lovely silver one, perhaps made by Paul Revere?
Stephen Gilberg over 10 years ago
I’d expect the S’s to look more like F’s.
u23104331 about 6 years ago
The thing itself: